Chapter 6.

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I woke up at 9 and got in the shower. I blowdryed my hair and left it naturally curly and then changed into my outfit.

(Outfit - - with converse not the heels-)

I dont really put make up on so i just put masacra on and then i was ready. I put my bracelets on and got my keys and phone.

Soon it was 11 and I heard a knock at the door. I run to open it and there standing was harry wearing skinny black jeans and his rolling stones top, which i love.

"Ready?" He asked and i nodded. I followed him to his range rover and off we went.

When the car stopped i saw that we were at an italian resturant.

"Harry this has to be so expensive?" I said and harry just shrugged.

"So i havent had a day with you for while and anyway im paying, so dont even think about it" He said and i smiled at him.

He opened my door of the car like a gentleman and held his hand out to lead me to the resturant.

"Table under 'Styles'" He said and the lady nodded and we followed her to a table near the window.

"Your waiter will be Jack" She said as she handed the menus to us and left.

"So have you been here before?" I asked and Harry nodded. "Okay so tell me whats good?" I asked and he started thinking.

"the pizza is amazing" He said and i nodded. We were silent for a while just looking at the menu till Harry spoke.

"How about we share a pizza?" He asked and i smiled.

"That sounds good" I said and He smiled back.

Soon the waiter came over and ordered our food and drinks.

"So how was the tour?" I asked after the waiter had gave us our drinks.

"It was Amazing. the fans were amazing and loud as usual." He said and we both chuckled.

"So our you guys working on a third ablum?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yea we are. Have you heard our second one?" He asked and i nodded.

"I brought it the day it came out" I smiled and he returned it.

"So i guess you didnt forget about us then?" He said with a small smile and i returned it.

"No of course not. I mean how could I. One you are everywhere i go. Two you boys are mad so you're pretty hard to forget. And three i didnt want to. I mean your still part of my life and i was going to surport you no matter what. Even if you did hate me." I said and Harry frowned at the last bit i said.

"I didnt hate you" He said and i raised my eyebrow at him. "Okay at first i did. But when i read your letter and heard what you done for me i hated myself for treating you like i did. But hey you got amazing job now that you've finished uni" He said with a wide smile and i returned it with a small one because i was lying. I had two shitty jobs but they dont know that.

Luckily the waiter gave us our food so we stopped talking about my jobs.

We both had, had a couple of slices each when someone came stomping over to us. I didnt get to see who it was before they splashed my drink all over me...




Back For You. (WYWH Sequel) - Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now