Chapter 28.

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It was around 8 and Harry texted me saying to come over. I was just in joggering bottoms and a old top. I put my converse on and got in my car on the way to Harrys.

When i got there i knocked and Lou opened it.

"Yay! We can start our movie night!" He said and i followed him to the livingroom. Samantha was there cuddling Harry and all the other boys were spread on the sofas but the only space left was next to Samantha. So i had to sit there, the joys for me.


During one of the films Valery got up to go to the toilet. I need to talk to her and now.

"Im just going to toilet" I said

"But Valery went?" Lou said confused.

"I'll just wait outside" I said and they all just nodded and carried on watching the film.

I walked to where the bathroom was and leaned against the wall that was opposite the door.


When i walked out the bathroom i was surprised to see Samanatha standing against the wall opposite.

"err can i help you?" I asked confused.

"Yes you can actually by disappearing" She said and i raised a eyebrow at her.

"and why would that help you?" I asked

"Because you are ruining my plan with Harry" She blurted out and i smirked.

"And what plan was that? The one you were talking on the phone too?" I asked and she looked angry.

"You wanna know what it is. I dont care about Harry, i dont like him. do you really think i would? Come on get real. His famous. Famous people get loads of money. When thy like someone or care for someone they will use that money on them right? So why not me? Why not make him fall for me, which was the easy part. Why not have him buy me stuff and then take some money for myself and then just leave." She smirked and i felt angry she cant do that. Definitly not to my best friend, not Harry.

"You cant do that!" I said my voice raising.

"Oh but i can and i will. I just need you out the picture so that he will trust me over you!" She said and i was shocked and angry.

"You'll break his heart!" I said my voice getting even louder.

"Oh but i dont care!" She smirked and thats when i lost it.

"YOU BITCH!" I shouted and slapped her across the face.

"VALERY!" I heard Harrys voice boom. SHIT!


Me and the boys were watching tv when i started to think that the girls were taking a long time in the bathroom. Was something happening? I then heard someones voice.

"Turn it on mute" I said and laim obeyed confused. I heard a voice again.

"Whats that?" Lou asked and  shrugged. I got up with the boys following and followed the voices.

As we came in view of Sam and Valery talking. I could tell Valery was angry but why? Suddenly Valery lost it.

"YOU BITCH!" She shouted and slapped Sam.

"VALERY!" My voice boomed and i saw Valery look to me.

I walked over to them with the boys still following.

Back For You. (WYWH Sequel) - Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now