Chapter 31.

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I cant believe it. Harry is here. After he said he wanted me to leave and i said to not come running to me, his here. I bet its something stupid though like i forgot something at his house.

"Valery" Harry said and suddenly bursted into tears. He wrapped his arms round my waist and i didnt hestiant to wrap mine round his neck. He nuzzled his face into my neck and i slowly moved him so i could shut the door.

I rubbed his back as he carried on crying on me. I slowly moved us to the livingroom and sat down on the sofa. Harry sat down next to me still hugging me and crying. I started stroking his hair and soon he calmed down.
"Whats happened harry?" I asked and he sighed. He laid his head on my lap and looked up at me before explaining the whole thing.
"You were right." He said and i gave him a confused look. "You were right about Sam. She was only in it for the money. I knew i should've listened to you but for some stupid reason i didnt. Im such an idiot that i didnt. I mean you tried to warn me so many times but i just didnt listen. I should have believed you over her because ive known you longer and i knew you were lying but i was too blind by love that i couldnt see it. You know you were right that she didnt like me either. I dont know how someone can be this nice and lovey with someone when they dont actually like them. I really fell for her Valery. I really did but she didnt even like me back. I wondered how she couldnt feel guilty but then maybe its because shes a bitch!" He said and I saw more tears in his eyes.
"Im so sorry" I whispered.
"Its not your fault" He whispered back.
"It is. I couldve tried harder. I couldve try to show you but i just walked away" I said and Harry sighed.
"I just cant believe she did this" He said and started crying again. I stroked his hair and shhhhed him like a baby. It was while and i felt Harrys crying and sobbing stop. I looked down and reaslised his asleep. I smiled to myself as the whole day must of tooken it out of him. I heard him start to snore and i knew he was in a deep sleep.



I woke up and looked round the room. I noticed i wasnt in mine and the boys flat. I them remember about what happened with Sam and how i went to Valerys flat. I saw i was laying on her sofa. I slowly sat up rubbing my eyes and started to think.

Why did Valery help me? why did she listen to me? I mean i told her to leave and she said for me not to come running back to her? So why did she help me? Why did she just let me come runnign back to her like nothing happened?

"Oh your awake" I heard Valerys voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "I made you tea" She said handing me the cup as she sat down next to me with her cup in her hands.
"thank you"
"No thank you for everything for yesterday" I said and she just nodded, im guessing that she didnt know what to say.

We sat in silence while drinking our teas. We both had finished and put them on the coffee table when i decided to speak.

"Why did you help me?" I asked and she raised her eyebrow at me.
"What you mean?" She asked.
"Like i told you to leave and you said for me to not come running back to you which i did but yet you're still here for me like nothing happened?" I asked and she sighed this time.
"I dont know. I mean you've been my best friend since for like ever and you always there for me and same me to you. I guess even though we had that one fight it doesnt make me forget you and all the time we had. I mean thats a lot of memories to forget..." She said and we both chuckled at that because there are a lot of memories. "...I guess whatever happens im always here for you. Even if i do say im not i will in the end but i remember that you're my best friend and plus we all mistakes right?" She said and i smiled at her which she returned.
"Im glad i have someone like you" I said and pulled her into me for a big hug. "I promise i wont let a girlfriend get inbetween us again and i promise i will believe you over anyone next time......Except if its my mum" I said and we both laughed at the last bit i said as we pulled away from the hug. "How about that best friend day?" I said and she smiled big.
"DISNEY FILMS!" She shouted and run to the cupboard to get all her disney films out and i sat and laughed at her.

Im so glad i have someone like her. I mean she said she would always be there for me even if she says she wont. I dont know how i have got so lucky with her. Seriously!

As Valery put in the first movie and sat next to me, we both cuddled into the blanket she got and watched all the disney films. We use to do this when we were little. We always have. If we stayed in a watched tv it would be disney films or some snappy romances which i have got a soft side for which only Valery knows about.





Back For You. (WYWH Sequel) - Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now