Chapter 25.

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I woke up to birds and cars. Where am i? I opened my eyes and sat up. I was on a bench. Suddenly i remembered i didnt know where i was and i still dont. I fell asleep on the bench when it was raining. Hopefully i having got a cold. Then i sneezed. Damn. I guess nothing goes right for me. I looked up and saw there was a bus coming towards me. I got up and put my arm out and it stopped. I got on and made sure i was paying attetion so i knew when to get off.


Its 12 and i havent got a single call or text from Valery. Seriously where is she? I mean i went round her house this morning but she didnt answer the door. I stood there shouting her name and knocking but still no asnwer. I dont know if shes asleep from a hang over because of going to a party, which i still dont know why she went and didnt tell us, or she isnt there? She could be at someones house with them or at the house the party was. I dont know anymore and im starting to give up. I called but she didnt answer me. Her phone was off. Did she do that because she didnt want to answer me or did her phoen die? Oh my goddness there was so many questions running through my head and i couldnt answer any of them. Only she could. But i dont know where she is so she can! I was getting frustrated and angry because of al this. She couldve at least told us she met someone, a booy at that. But no we had to hear it from Sam. But why out of everyone would she tell Sam. I mean no a fence to her but Valery doesnt know her that well. I mean im her best friend and shes closer to the girls and the lads more than Sam. She just only met Sam. So why would she tell Sam something like this and not us? why would she think we would think that she was ditching us? I mean we do now but if she just told us where she was going we would of be fine with it. I dont know whats gotten into her but when i see her i will ask her and i will get my questions answered, whether she wants to answer then or not.


When i got home i opened the door and went to my room. I found my phone charger and pluged it in. I then got out of my wet clothes and had a warm shower. After that i put joggers and a jumper on. The sun was shining outside but i was freezing. thats what i get for sleeping in the rain. I got some tissues and a cup of tea and then wrapped myself in my cover in bed. I turned my tv on but i wasnt really watching it because i soon fell asleep again.



I went for dinner with Sam as i promised i would and i got home around 11. I thought that maybe Valery would be home or at least up by now so i went straight round hers and started knocking on the door. I saw a light on so i knew she was home.

"COME ON VALERY! OPEN THE DOOR! I KNOW YOURE THERE!" I shouted these things over and over again before I heard a click and the door opened to reveal and very tired and ill looking Valery.


I was sleeping when i heard someone knocking repeatively and shouting. I slowly opened my eyes and listened more and realised it was Harrys voice. Whats he doing here? I got up with the cover still wrapped around me and a tissue in my hand. I slowly walked towards the door. When i unlocked the door and opened it, i saw a frustrated and maybe a little angry Harry. Whats he got to be angry at? He was the one left me to gte ill!

"What you want?" I asked bluntly. To be fair i'm ill, because of him, and i just wanna sleep.

"Errr.....Are you ill?" He asked and i blew my nose before answering.

"What does it look like?" I said and he tried to hide his smile. For some reason he now seemed back to his loving cheeky self.

Without saying anything else he pushed his self past me and into my kitchen. I slowy shut my door and locked it and then followed him to the kitchen. When i walked in he was getting ingredients out of the cupboards.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"Looking after you" He stated.

"why?" I asked

"Well you're ill and i use to do this, so why not?" He said and carried on with cooking. I shrugged and walked into the livingroom and turned the tv on.

I started thinking why harry come here? I mean he looked so frustrated and angry when i opened the door but when he saw i was ill he wasnt anymore. He was fine. I wanna know why he was angry and why he can here but then i dont wanna ask. I mean his in a good mood now and i have a feeling we will just fight if i ask and i dont wanna especially cause im ill.

Soon Harry come in the livingroom with a tray. I sat crossed legged and he put the tray on my lap over my cover, which i still had wrapped around me. I looked at the tray and saw he made me soup with bread at the side and my favourite juice, pineapple.

"Thank you" I said digging in straight away because i felt so hungry.

"Welcome" He said sitting next to me.

After I finished we talked and just done what we use to do when one of us was ill or sad but soon I fell asleep with my head on harrys chest.


When Valery fell asleep on me I smiled and started to pick her up. I carried her to her room and tucked her into her bed. I didn't wanna leave her as she was ill and we use to stay together till the other was better so I got a blanket and pillow and went to the sofa and soon fell asleep too.




Back For You. (WYWH Sequel) - Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now