Chapter 23.

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I woke up before everyone else so i decided to make breakfast for everyone. When i was half way through cooking i heard someones voice. They walked past the kicthen and stood near the door. I poked my head out the door and saw Samantha on the phone.

"Its working..." She said just before i put my head back in. I stood near the door and started listening.

"Yea his best friends here......I know shes going to ruin everything......Yes i have to make a plan to get red of her"

After that sentence the fire alarm went off as their was smoke coming from the food which was still cooking.

"Shit" I muttered and started waving a towel in the air to get the smoke away but the alarm carried on. Soon i saw a glaring Samantha looking at me by the doorway of the kicthen. Shit she court me.

"whats going on?!" Lou shouted as i looked at the doorway again everyone was standing there looking tired. Shit now i woke everyone up.

"I was making breakfast" I said smiling and they all sighed.

"More like burning it" Zayn said and i pouted.


"Here" Harry said coming in the kitchen and opening the window. He then reached up and pulled the batteries out the alarm to stop it. "Maybe next time dont try making breakfast"

"I just wanted to do something" I said looking down and Harry sighed.

"At 9 in the morning" Samantha said and i looked up.

"Shit i've gotta go to work, bye" I said raced out the door.

I didnt have work but i needed to get out that house. My mind was all over the place. Well mostly my mind was on one thing. Samantha.

Who was she on the phone too? Seriously? And what was working? Is she talking about Harry? What did she mean his best friend was going to ruin it? Did she mean me? How was she going to get red of me?

There was so many questions in my head and i had just got to my car. I opened the car and got in before i heard someone shouting my name. I looked and next thing i know Harry is at my drivers door.

"Hey" I said as i rolled down the window.

"Its a saturday" He said and i gave him a confused look. "I know for a fact you dont have work on a saturday" He said and i knew he got me.

Er... i-i..." I stuttered because i didnt know what to say now. He had got me.

"come to the beach with us today, you can go home get your stuff and we will get you." He said and i nodded.


"great see you soon" He said and kissed my cheek in a friendly way before walking back to the house.


After a while i got a text from Valery saying she was ready.

"Lets get Valery and then off to the beach" I said and we all walked out to the van that could take us all.

When we got to valerys we honked the horn adn she run out the flats.

"OFF TO THE BEACH!" Lou shouted once Valery was in the car and off we went.



When we got to the beach we all found a nice place to settle down. We put all our stuff down and put towels down.

Back For You. (WYWH Sequel) - Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now