Chapter 9.

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Its a month till mine and Ashleys wedding and i havent spoken to Valery or see her. The boys havent heard anything from her either. Its like shes just disappears off the face of the earth.

I know i probably should have gone round but she told me to leave her alone and if shes happier with me out of her life then i will. It might hurt but i will do anything to see her happy.

"HARRY!" I heard Ashleys voice shout for me. I slowly got up from laying in bed. I got changed and then walked downstairs and saw her, my mum and gemma all in the livingroom.
"Where have you been?" Ashley wined.
"In bed" I said emotionless.
"Well you cant lay in bed you idiot. We have a wedding in a month" She wined and i snapped.
"OH MY GOD ASHLEY! I KNOW WE DO! THATS ALL YOU EVER TALK ABOUT!" I shouted and she looked taken back. She had tears in her eyes and she ran out of the apartment.

I sighed and sat down and out my head in my hands.
"Honey?" I heard my mum say as she sat next to me and started rubbing circles in my back, to calm me down.
"I'm sorry mum" I said and felt tears stream down my cheeks.
"Oh honey. Whats wrong?" mum asked hugging me tight.
"Its Valery" I sobbed out.
"What about her?" Gemma asked. I looked up at her. "Mum told me" She said and i nodded.
"I havent see or spoken to her and its killing me" I said
"Go talk to her then" Mum said
"Yea but even if i did Ashley wont like us to talk or see eachother. She hates Valery" I said and mum sighed.
"Do you really think Ashley's the one for you? The one you want to marry?" Mum asked and i stayed quiet. "She doesnt like your best friend whose been there for you through everything." Mum added.
"I dont know. I dont know about anything anymore. Everythings falling apart" I said and mum and gemma sighed.
"Maybe its falling apart because you havent got Valery" Gemma said and i stayed quiet. "Go find her Harry. Talk to her" Gemma said and mum patted my back.
"Okay I'll go" I said and they smiled at me.

I got up and hugged my mum and gemma and then raced down to my car and off i went to Valerys flat.

When i got to Valerys flat i knocked and knocked waiting for her to open.
"COME ON VALERY OPEN UP! PLEASE I WANNA TALK TO YOU!" I shouted through the door.
"Sir?" I heard someone say behind me. I turned round and a old man was standing there.
"Yes sorry was i making to much noise?" I asked
"No its not that its just that young lady from that flat left to work a hour ago" He said and i thanked him and walked back to my car.

I drove to the louis's flat were everyone was including Danielle and Eleanor.
"Hey guys" I said as i sat down on the sofa with them.
"You look awful mate" Lou said and then El smacked the back of his head. "Ow. What was that for?" He asked confused.
"You cant just say that to your best friend" El said and looked at me. "Whats up with you?" She asked and Lou rolled his eyes.
"Valery" I simply said and everyone started listening. "I spoke to my mum and gemma and they said that i should go see her and i did but she left for work so she werent in." I said
"What made them say that?" Niall asked
"I snapped at Ashley" I muttered.
"Why?!" They all said shocked.
"Cause I just did!" I said frustrated.
"Do you really wanna marry Ashley?" Danielle asked and i looked up at all of their faces.
"Thats exactly what My mum said" I said and they all raised there eyebrows.
"And what did you say?" Liam asked
"I said i dont know. That i dont know about anythign anymore. That everythings going wrong and Mum said it might be because Valery's not here" I said and they all gave a small smile.
"Then we better go get her back then" Lou cheered and started walking to the door.
"Lou, hate to break the idea but shes at work" I said and he sighed anc ame sat back down.
"Lets just have a relaxed day till she finished" Zayn said and we all agreed.




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