Chapter 18.

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Its been a week since i said i would try and find my own appartment but i cant. All the ones i find that are good for me i cant afford. I dont wanna ask the boys because they have already done to much for me.

It was 9 and I just walked into my newspaper job. After work i was going to look for appartments again. It seems thats all i do now. Go work, look for appartments, get disapointed and go home and sleep ready for the next day of dispointment.

I walked into my office and then thought. Maybe if i ask for a pay rise they might give me one. I mean i have done so much for them, they would, wouldnt they?

I got up from my office and walked to my bosses.

"Come in" He shouted after i knocked. I walked in and he smiled up at me.

"What can i do for you Valery?" He asked and i sighed and sat down.

"Err, i was wondering if you wouldnt mind giving me a pay rise?" I said and he sighed.

"Why would you want one? I thought you were fine with the money we give you?" He asked

"I am i swear. Its just things have gone downhill and i need the money i thought as Im on of your good photographers that you wouldnt mind" I said and i knew i made him angry.

"You know when people like you come in and ask for pay rises it means other people are going to so no you cant and im sorry that things have gone downhill. We gave you the job because you were good and didnt mind the money but coming in here asking for a pay rise.."

"I know im sorry, i'll get back to work" I said standing up and heading to the door.

"Dont bother" He said and i turned round.

"what?" I asked

"Your fired"


"No buts. Pack your stuff and leave as soon as possible please." He said and i slowly nodded.

I walked to my office and pack my stuff, which wasnt much, and made my way to my car.

I was angry. Angry at myself. Why did I have to go and ask for a pay rise. Seriously? It was my fault i got fired. Nothing goes right for me. Nothing. So why pretend it does? I'm never going to get another job on my own and im never going to get my flat on my own ether. I've always needed help. Harry was right. Im just a little girl who relies on everyone and cant do anything by myself. I know i forgived harry for saying that but i know its true. I just kept pretending it werent but i cant anymore and thats what makes me so angry.

I drove home and i saw that they boys and the girls were all home. I walked in and dumped my stuff on the floor in the hallway. It made a loud bang and all their heads poked out the side of the livingroom door. I breathed out a big breathe and started walking to the kicthen.


When we heard the front door we all knew it would be Valery. But what was she doing home early from work? She just got there? We then heard a big loud bang and we all looked at eachother. We got up and looked out the door and saw her standing in the hallway. She left out a big breathe and started walking towards the kitchen. We all went and sat in the livingroom and were quiet before Niall broke it.

"Whats up with her?" He asked and we all shrugged.

"Shouldnt she be at work?" El asked and i nodded.

"Yes she should've of just got there? So i dont know why shes back" I said and they all shrugged.

"Somethings up" Lou said and we all agreed.

Back For You. (WYWH Sequel) - Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now