Chapter 21.

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I woke up at 10 and the appartment was quiet. No boys running round. No boys making noise. Where were they?

I walked into the kitchen and saw a note on the side. I picked up and read it.

Hey Valery, we have a meeting with managment and simon and then som interviews. Will be back late, sorry.

Love the boys.

I put the note back down and went and had a shower. Once i was done i got dressed into ripped jeans, white top and a jacket. I grapped my keys and phone and decided to go look at a couple flats.


I had gone to a few flats and the last one i went too was amazing. It was exactly what i was looking for. A small flat but bigger enough for me and my stuff. Also its a block away from the boys so its not that far. Also the rents in my price range. As soon as i finished looking round I talked with the person showing me round and brought it. They said i could move it straight away so now i was home and in my room packing. I had got boxes from the store and started packing my stuff in a couple boxes.

It was around the afternoon now and i was half way through packing when i heard the front door and chatting. Oh yea i've gotta tell te boys about this now.

"VALERY!" I heard Harry voice and then footsteps coming to my room.

I turned round just as the door opened. But before i could say anything Harry looked at all the boxes and then spoke.

"Why are you packing?" He asked and soon the rest of the boys were behind him.

"You know i told you was going to get a flat." I said and they all nodded. "Well when you were out i went out looking and i find one. I brought it and im moving in tonight." I said and all the boys looked shocked at first and then came and hugged me saying their happy. But then i noticed i hugged everyone except Harry. Where'd he go?

I walked out my room as the boys said they would help me pack and went and looked for Harry. As i walked down the hall i saw Harrys door open. I looked in and saw Harry sitting on the edge of his bed.

"Harry" I said as i walked into his room and sat down beside him. "Are you mad with me?" I asked

"No im not mad, just upset" He said and i raised a eyebrow at him as now he was lookign at me and not the floor. "I guess i knew youw ould soon move on and get your own flat but i just didnt think it would be this soon. I mean we havent had a prober best friend day yet" He said and i chuckled a bit.

"Harry the flat is a block away from her, not that far. I have a car and i know i will probably still be round her most the time and if not you boys will be round mine because come on, you guys wont let me leave that easy again." I said and harry laughed.

"I guess your right"

"When im i not" I smirked and Harry laughed.

"I lot of times your not" He smirked and i playfully hit his arm.

"Heyyy" We both laughed before making our way back to my room.

As we got to my room we saw the boys had already packed everything and was just sitting on the floor laughing and chatting.

"You boys ready to see my new flat?" I asked and they all cheered.

We packed my stuff into the back of my car. Me and Harry got in my car as harry insisted on driving, so i sat in the passenger seat. the other boys went in Lou's car and off we went to my new flat.


When we got to the flat we brought the boxes in and just put them on the floor. The boys straight away started looking around and i slowly followed them behind.

"This flat is amazing, Valery" Lou said

"Yes i love it" Liam and zayn both said.

"the kicthen is so nice" Niall said making us laugh.

Out of everyone i wanted to know what Harry thought, so i looked up at him as he stood next to me.

"Its amazing. Really you. I like it" He said looking down at me and i smiled widely at him and him pulled me into a side hug. "So you can pay the rent alright?" He asked as we walked towards the door because the boy were leaving, and i nodded.

"Yep with my two jobs i can" I said and he nodded.

"I am really happy for you Valery." he said and we reached the door, he started walking away but then turned back and said "Hey you said you wanted to do something on your own and you did." I smiled at him and he waved at he got into the car and off they went.

I shut the door and turned and looked at my new empty flat.

I done it. I finally done something for myself, just like harry said.




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