Chapter 13.

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Its been a week since Valerys accident and we all have been getting her through it. I've done the most help, one because obivously im her best friend and two because i really want the valery back.

I've been staying round her house. At first i stayed in the same bed as her, but then i moved to the sofa so that she could at least try and sleep. The first couple of nights she had nightmares but i was there to calm her down. But now she doesnt have has many. Hardly any actually.

Yes I am still getting married to Ashley. I havent been home that much and Ashley has started to noticed. She thought i was just staying round Lou's but i think she knows im not anymore.

Its not that i dont want her to know im round Valery, its just i dont know. I think its better that she doesnt know because she would make a big thing out of it when its not big. Im just helping a friend out, right?


I was woke by shouting in my livingroom. I knew harry was here but who could be here as well as him to be arguing? I slowly rubbed my eyes and got up. I was only wearing harrys top, because i felt safe with his smell, sort of like knowing his there. Anyway i put some sweats on and made my way to the livingroom. I stood in the doorway and saw Harry and Ashley fighting?

I coughed and tehy both looked at me.
"ARE YOU SLEEPING WITH HER?!" Ashley shouted and i went wide eyed. What? "THAT WOULD EXPLAIN EVERYTHING? WHY YOU'RE HERE ALL THE TIME! WHY SHES WEARING YOUR TOP!" She shouted. What was she saying?
"IM NOT SLEEPING WITH HIM! GOD!" I shouted out of frustration.
"Some thing happened!" Harry said quietier and Ashley stayed quiet for a while.
Harry was about to speak but i cut him off.
"I WAS RAPED!" I shouted out of more frustration. I didnt wanna be shouting but if she wnated to know, there it was out. Harry looked at me sympathicly as he knew it was hard for me to say that.
"You probably deserved it." Ashley said harshly. She was now in my face and i was getting angry. Why do i deserve it?
"Ashley." Harry said in a warning voice.
"Why did i deserve it?" I said harshly.
"Why not? You're a slut!" She said and i slapped her across the face hard. Her head flung to the side before she moved it back to me. "You tried stealing harry once but kissing him, even though he had GIRLFRIEND!" She said and i slapped her again. "You deserve everything coming to you" She spat and i lost it. I punched her in the face and she fell on the floor. I straddled her lap and started punching her more. All i saw was red. I had so much hatred.
"VALERY!" I heard many voices including harry shout. I didnt know more people were here.

Soon I felt arms wrap around my waist and pull me off her and against there chest. I started hitting and kicking to get free but this didnt bother them. I said Zayn and Niall help Ashley up but once she was on her feet she pushed them away. I was breathing heavily as Harry held me closer to his chest so i wouldnt go at her again. Louis, Liam, Eleanor were behind me while Niall and Zayn were beside Ashley from where they helped her up.
"Your all really on her side?" Ashley spat as she wiped the bleed from her lip and nose. No one said anything. "Really? A Slut like her" I started kicking and trying to get free again but harry's strength was nothing compared to mine, so i gave up. "Harry?" She said and every looked at him, except me, i had my eyes on Ashley. "You have to pick! Me, the person you love and are about to marry and live happily together or her, the poor girl was lied to you about everything. Whos a worthless piece of shit" She said with so much vemon.

I turned my head towards harry and looked up at him. He looked down at me and i saw the hurt in his eyes. He hated to chose. He looked back at Ashley and i looked down. His arms were still around me but i knew soon they wouldnt be.

She knew that i lied about my job. But how? I dont know but i know she knows. If he does choose me she will tell them and then they will hate me.

I started moving but harry tightened his grip.
"Harry let me go, i wont hit her." I said and he sighed. He released me and i stood a foot infront of the boys, which Niall and Zayn had now joined there sides.
"So Harry will you choose?" Ashley said with a smirk.
Before Harry could say anything i stopped him.
"Dont pick me" I said and him and the boys and Eleanor looked at me shocked. I looked at Ashley and she just smirked. "Pick her. You're marrying her and shes not broken and messed up like i am."
"No please just pick her." I said as tears streamed down my cheeks.
"No please, shes right that ive lied and i know if you pick me and ask for the truth you'll hate me. So please pick her" I begged but Harry shook his head.
"NO JUST LET ME SPEAK!" He snapped and i jumped with the sudden volume change.
"Valery i dont care if you're a mess or broken. You've always been there for me even if i push you away. I wanna pick you. I dont care if you've lied to me. It cant be that bad, right? Plus im not going to be with someone who calls my best friend a slut and says she deserves to me raped! Because thats not true. I dont get why anyone could do that to you..." By now his right in front of me and is holding my hands as i look him in the eyes. "...I pick you" He whispered and I gave him a small smile that he returned.
"Really? You're picking her over me?" Ashley said and we all turned to look at her. "I guess the weddings off" She said and Harry nodded.
"It is now leave" He said and she stomped out of the apartment. "Now..." He trailed off and we all looked at him. "You have somethign to tell us?" He said and i raised my eyebrow at him. "You said you lied?" He said and i sighed and looked down.
"Can we sit down first?" I said he nodded. We all sat down on the sofas and tehy all looked at me waiting for me to speak.
"Well i lied about my job"
"What about it?" Lou asked and i sighed.
"I do that birthday photography like you know but thats not a side job. Thats one of my main jobs" I said and looked down.
"So you have that and your amazing job?" Niall asked and i shook my head.
"Thata amazing job i told you about, its real" I said
"What you mean?" Harry asked and i looked up at all of them.
"I lied. I have a job at a local newspaper taht pays about the same as the birthday photography." I said
"Why didnt you tell us?" El asked and i sighed.
"Because you guys were all big and got somewhere and i just thought you wouldnt wanna know someone who got nowhere. And when you said you were proud of me, i dont know, i was happy and guilty. No has ever been of proud of me and i just thought, argh i dont know" I said looking down.
"Valery it doesnt matter if you have the shittest job in the world, we would still be proud of you. You should've have just told us" Harry said and i smiled at all of tehm as they nodded and agreed with what he said.
"I know im sorry" I said and they all came over to me and we had a group hug and we all laughed.
"MOOVIE NIGHT!" Lou shouted and we all agreed.
"FOOD!" Niall shouted and we laughed as he ran off to the kitchen.

I'm so glad we're back to like we use to be.


I'm so glad everything back to normal. To be honest it seems like none of this drama happened.

I'm still abit weirded if someone like tries to touch me, like sexually because of the rape. Also now and then i have nightmares about it but im getting better.

When i have nightmares Harrys also the one to come and calm me down because his the only one who knows how and the only one i'll listen to. But once he has calm me down i dont let him leave and he doesnt mind. He stays the rest of the night and i dont have nightmares. I've noticed i dont really get nightmares if im with Harry. Maybe its just the company. I mean it cant be anything else can it?




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