Chapter 5.

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Yesterday i had work at the newspaper place but today me and the boys are having a movie night. Well Harry invited me because he said it would be like old times and im actually looking forward to it. I would it to be like old times with me and Harry.

-What time should i be round? xxxx V-

I texted harry and he texted back straight away.

-Now if you want xxxx H-

-Okay I'll be round in 10-15 minutes xxxx V-

-Okay see you soon xxxx H-

I put my phone in my pocket and then got in my car and made my way to their house.

(Outfit -)

As it was hot i wore shoes with my shirt and then my bracelets so no one could see my scars.


Once I sent Valery the text the door went. I found it a bit funny how shes here this quick when she hasnt left yet. Well i dont think she has?

I got to the door and when i opened it, standing there was Ashley.

"Hi babe, What you doing here?" I asked as i kissed her lips.

"Hi, i thought we could go out for lunch?" She said and I nodded.

"Sure i can go out for a quick lunch. Me and the boys were just going to watch films." I said and she nodded. I got my shoes and phone and said to the boys that i wouldnt be long. Hopefully i will get back just before or after Valery.

"Lets go starbucks" Ashley said as i started the car. Then off we went.


When i got to the boys house i couldnt see Harrys range rover. Was he here?

I walked up to the door and knocked.

"Hey" Louis cheered and pulled me into his chest for a tight hug.

"Hi" I said as he opened the door so i could walk in.

"BOYS VALERY'S HERE!" He shouted and all the boys run down the stairs and hugged me too. I noticed that Harry wasnt here though.

"Should we go watch films then" Liam said and we all followed him to the living room.

As we all sat down, Louis, Me and Niall on one sofa and Liam and Zayn on the another.

"Wheres Harry?" I finally asked.

"He went out but he said he wouldnt be long" Louis said and i nodded.

"So what movie we put on?" I asked changing the subject.

"Toy story first!" Liam said and i laughed remembering it was his favourite film.


Me and Ashley went out for starbucks but then we went shopping in town for hours. It quite late now as i'm driving Ashley home.

"I had nice day today" She said as i helped with her shopping bags. "Just put them down there" She said as she pointed to the floor near her door. "thank you" She said

"No problem babe" I said as i walked up to her. She put her arms round my neck to i put mine on her waist and i kissed her sweetly.

"Sorry i made you miss out on your movie day wth the boys?" She said

"Dont worry we can have another one" I said and kissed her again.

"I'll see you later" I said as i hugged her and then left. I looked at the time and saw it was 10. Maybe Valery is still there watching films and i can watch one more before she leaves. God i hope so. I said that we would have a day like old times but im not even there!


Harry never came back and we all dont think he will. I dont know where he is because the boys just said he went out, didnt say where or why? I didnt question it because i thought i could still have a good time with the boys and i did. We had a laugh watching many different films.

"thanks for inviting me" I said as we finished the last film.

"thats alright love anytime" Louis said.

"Yea now we got you back we will do this more often" Niall said and i smiled.

"Yea that would be fun" I said

"Sorry Harry wanst here as well" Zayn said and i shrugged.

"So i still had a good time with you guys" I said and they all returned my smiled.

"I'll see you later" I said and got up.

As i went to open the door it swung open and there standing was no other than Harry Styles.

"Valery" He said and he sounded out of breath. Had he be running?

"Hi Harry" I said "I was just going" I stepped forward but he was standing in my way.

"Stay, one more movie. Im sorry i werent i was out" He rushed.

"Yea i know the boys told me and no i cant its half 10 and i need to get home" I said

"Sleep here"

"Harry i cant do that just let me go home" I said getting frustrated.

"fine go for lunch with me tomorrow as i werent here today" He said and i sighed.

"Fine then pick me up at 11"

"Okay text me your address" He said and i nodded.

"Bye Harry"

"Bye Valery" He said as he pulled me into a tight hug.

When i got home i texted harry my address and then fell straight to sleep.




Back For You. (WYWH Sequel) - Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now