Chapter 20.

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Me and Samantha were talking when i looked at my phone it was already 9:30. I was about to say that i had to get home when Lou started calling me.

"Excuse me?" I said and she nodded.

I walked outside and answered.


H: Lou, whats up?

L: Hey we're all at a night club?

H: So?

L: Did you wanna join?

H: Yea sure.

L: Okay I'll text you the address

H: Oh lou?

L: Yea

H: Im out with a girl i met, can i bring her?

L: Sure let us met the lucky lady

H: Haha okay we'll be there in half an hour.

We said bye and then hung up.

I went back inside and stood by our table.

"That was the guys. They said they were at a night club near here. Did you wanna join us?" I asked and she smiled at me.

"Sure if they dont mind"

"No its cool" I said and the helped her up and we walked to the car.

She was already wearing a black skirt and a nice top so she didnt need to get changed.


We walked in and i looked around.

"HARRY OVER HERE!" I heard Lous voice shout. I looked in the direction of the voice and saw him and the guys in a booth. I smiled and grapped Samanthas hand. I pushed throw the crowd and got to the table.

"Hey guys, this is Samantha" I said and they all said hi.

"Hi" She said back. We sat down and everyone introduced themselves.

After a couple of minutes I got me and Samantha a drink and then we were all just chatting.

"Hey wheres Valery?" El asked.

Shit. I forgot about her. I forgot i left her at home to see Samantha. I forgot to tell her.

"Shes at home" I said and they all looked at me shocked.

"You left her?" Liam asked

"Well yea she said i should go because i said i was going to met Samantha" I said and they all nodded.

"Maybe you should call her" Lou said and i nodded.

"I'll be right back."

I walked out side and called her phone. It carried on ringing untill it went to the voice mail. I tried again but it went to voice mail again. I tried again and again but i got the same reponse. I hope everything okay.

I walked back inside and all the boys and girls looked at me.

"She wont pick up. It goes straight to voice mail." I said and they all looked worried.

"Lets finish one more drink and then we'll go home yea?" Liam said and we all agreed.

Once we finished one more drink, i got a cab for Samantha and then we all got in our cars and went straight home.

When we worked in we heard the tv on. It was around 12 when we came back.

We all looked in the livingroom and saw Valery sleeping while Kick ass menu was on.

"I'll go get a blanket for her" I said and they all nodded and then went to bed.

I got a blanket out the cupboard and in over her and stuck her in. I kissed her forehead and stood back up.

She snuggled into the blanket. She had the movie day by herself because i left. I felt guilty leaving her. Especially because we all went to the club after. I'll talk to he rin the morning.

I yawned as i made my way up the stairs and into my room. I fell on the bed in my clothes and fell asleep.




Back For You. (WYWH Sequel) - Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now