Chapter 27.

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The next morning i woke up to something smelly good. I rubbed my eyes and started sitting up when someone walked into my room. I looked up and saw Harry walking in with a tray.

"Morning sleepy head, i made you breakfast in bed" He said putting the tray on my lap.

"whats this for?" I asked

"I guess a sorry gift and also i wanted to" He said smiling cheekily and i smiled back.

"And i have to go back to the flat now" He said as i took a mouthful.

"What?" I asked once i swallowed it.

"Sam and the boys will be wondering where i am." He said and i nodded, his going back to Samantha. Will of course he would. I mean thats HIS GIRLFRIEND! Im such a idiot thinking he would confront her about everything but he wont.

"Oh yea right" I said looking at the food, not really feeling hungry anymore but i took a mouthfull anyway.

"You should come round tomorrow night, movie night like old times" He said and i just nodded as he started walking back to my bedroom door. "I'll see you later" He said

"Yep bye" I said and off he went back to Samantha.

For the whole day i just stayed home and called in sick for work.


When i got home i saw all the boys in the livingroom, they looked worried.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEEN!" they all shouted at me, once i was standing in the doorway of the livingroom.

"I was round Valerys, she was ill and we had to talk about a few things" I said and they all nodded understanding.

"You could've at least called or texted" Liam said and i sighed.

"I will next time sorry it was just i didnt have time" I said and they all nodded again.

"Im going out with Eleanor" Lou said

"Im going out with Danielle" Liam said

"Im going out with Perrie" Zayn said and off they all went, off with their girlfriends.

"What about you Niall?" I asked and he blushed.

"Im going to met up with a girl a met the other day" He smiled and i smiled back.

"good for you mate" I said patting his back as he walked past me.

Once everyone left i went and had a shower and just sat in joggers, white top and a beanie watching tv before i heard the door bell go.

I got up and when i opened the door saw my loving girlfriend, Sam, smiling at the door. Straight away she hugged me tight and i obivously hugged back.

"Where were you seriously? When the boys asked if you were with me i got worried thinking you were hurt!" She said and i sighed.

"No i just went to see Valery, she was ill and we had things to talk about" I said and she went pale.

"Is everything okay though?" She asked

"Yep all sorted now come watch tv with me" I said and she sighed.

"But i was just about to go shopping" She pouted.

"Oh, we can go. I mean if you want I'll come with you" I said and she smiled big.

"Aww really? I would love that!" She said hugging me again.

"Let me get some shoes" I said and went and put my shoes on. I didnt bother getting changed because i couldnt be asked and it was easier to just go out in joggers.


When the boys called asking if Harry was with me i didnt really care, i mean i was worried as i told him because come on i dont like him or love him. I'm just in it for the money. If you havent guessed that was my plan.

I dont care about Harry but i need Harry to fall in love with me. Then i will ask him to get my stuff, buy stuff that i could never buy and maybe even ask him to give me some money. Well basically im just in it for the money.

I went to see Harry today hoping he was back and he was. When he said he just wanted to watch tv i sighed and said i was going shopping. I werent but if he agreed to come he can buy me stuff. He did agree luckily and we are now in his car on the way to town.

"Can we go in here first!" I asked and Harry nodded smiling at me. We walked into the shop and i picked up tops, jeans and dresses that i liked and went to the changing room. Out of everything i only liked 2 tops, 3 jeans and 1 dress. I put the rest back and added up all the prices of the clothes i had making it look like i cant buy them.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked coming up to me.

"Counting how much it is" I said acting unsure. I thank my acting classes for this.

"dont worry about that im buying" He said and i didnt argue i just went up to the till with harry following. I gave the women my clothes and Harry paid.

After that we went to loads of different shops for clothes and shoes before having lunch. Harry had brought me a lot im not joking. Its must have been over a grand at least. I mean im a girl and my plan was working as he brought me loads. He said he would carry some of my bags too so thats a plus.

When we got to the car harry dropped me off home and then went back to his. But tomorrow we are having a movie night and apparently Valery is going to be there. I need to sort this out.




Back For You. (WYWH Sequel) - Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now