Chapter 8.

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As i watched Valery walk away her words kept playing over and over in my head.

'She got tired of people pushing her around'

'She got tired of people pushing her around'

'She got tired of people pushing her around'

'She got tired of people pushing her around'

She was right. She had been lied to and pushed around her whole life. But it seemed that the time she was away she had grow stronger and started to stick up for herself. In one way im happy for her. Happy shes happy being strong but another side im sad. Sad and upset that the old Valery is gone.

I looked down and then started to walked back to the resturant. I apoogised to the manager for the noise and paid the bill. I got in the car with Ashley and off we went home.

Ashley wouldnt stop talking the whole ride but i just blanked her out and carried on thinking about Valery. I wanted to cry but i knew i couldnt do that infront of Ashley.

Once i dropped Ashley off home, i went straight home too.

Once i walked in the boys saw i was upset. I had tears in my eyes and was on the edge of crying.

"Harry whats up?" Lou asked as i went and sat in the livingroom with all of them.

"everything" I said laying my head on Lou's shoulder.

"Tell us what happened mate?" Liam said and i told them everything. From me and Valery having lunch to Ashley stomping in to Valery leaving.

"Mate thats..." Zayn trailed off not knowing what to say.

"Horrible" Niall finished and i just nodded.

"I've done it again havent i. I've lost Valery, My best friend!" I said as more tears streamed down my cheeks.

"Harry im sure you can fix this" Lou said and i shook my head.

"I messed up big time this time. I dont think i can" I said and the boys gave me a sympathy look.

"Im going to my room. I need to talk to my mum" I said and they nodded understanding.

I got to my room and pulled my phone. I unlocked it and called my mum. She answered on the second ring.


H:Hey mum

A:Hey Harry, you alright? You sound like you've been crying?

H:I have been

A:Whats up?

H:You know i told you we saw valery?


H:Well we went to lunch to have a best friend day like old times and something happened...

A:Tell me harry.

I told my mum everything and started to cry a little again.

H:I've lost her again mum and i dont think i can fix this, this time.

A:Harry you and Valery have always had your up and downs more now then ever but you will get through it.

H:How? I dont everything wrong, its my fault

A:Just give her time harry. She just had to take in your getting married in a couple months.

H:I know. Oh god mum i should have told her sooner!

A:Dont put yourself down. Yes you should have told her sooner but its over and done with now.

There was silence for while.

A:Harry I have to go but promise me you'll text or call if you need help.

H:I will mum

A:Also invite her to the wedding, at least she knows you still care and give her space before you text or call her okay?

H:Okay mum thank you

A:No problem, Love you

H:Love you too mum

After we said our goodbye i just laid in bed looking through photos of me and Valery before falling asleep.


I was walking home when it started to rain.

"OH MY GOD! DOES THE WORLD ME THAT MUCH! HUH? DO YOU!?" I shouted at the sky as my tears got mixed with rain. A couple people that were walking past looked at me weird but i didnt care.

"WHAT?" I shouted at them and they started to walk quickier.

When i finally got home i went to my room and curled up in a ball and cried.

My best friend is getting married. His still dating Ashley and tehy are getting married. He lied. Not telling me he was dating Ashley let alone getting married. When was he going to tell me? Before the wedding? After the wedding? Or on the wedding?

Suddenly something snapped inside me. I loved Harry. Just like before. I hadnt lost them feelings like i thought i had. They were still there but just hidden. Now that this is happened and me and harry spending time together, they've come back out. The feelings i had tried to get over were back and i dont think i can get over him this time. But i have to. His getting married. I'll never see him again soon. Ashley wont want me and him hanging out. I doubt i will get invited to his wedding. I might say i dont wanna go or see him again but im lying to myself. I want to see him still but i know i shouldnt. I told him to leave me alone, plus Ashley wont want me around again.

I couldnt get what he said to me out of my head though.

'What happened to the old Valery? the loving and caring one?'

'What happened to the old Valery? the loving and caring one?'

'What happened to the old Valery? the loving and caring one?'

'What happened to the old Valery? the loving and caring one?'

'What happened to the old Valery? the loving and caring one?'

Have i changed that much? Am i seriously not the same person i was before? I mean i know have changed a litte but thats because i needed to became stronger. I needed to stop being pushed around by people. I have been my whole life and i finally got fed up with it.

After thinking too much i soon fell asleep with dried tears on my cheeks.




Back For You. (WYWH Sequel) - Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now