Chapter 24.

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As I got on the bus i sat near the back and looked out the window. I couldnt stop thinking about what Samantha said. Will she actually ruin my life? I mean how can she? She cant just take harry and my friends away from me, right? I mean Harry and the guys would believe me over her, right? I mean why wouldnt they i dont lie to them. well i havent recently and they know i dont lie to them often anyway. I dont lie to them at all anymore.

"LAST STOP!" I heard the bus driver shout. I looked at him and then outside. I dont know where i am. I asked him if we had gone past the stop i was meant to get out and he said yes. I just nodded and got off as he said he cant take me back there. I dont know where i am and its getting dark quickly.


After we had the bomb fire and sung some songs we decided we should head back. Samantha asked if she could stay with us and i said yes, obivously. When we got home i felt like shouting Valery but i knew she wouldnt be here because she would be at her own flat. It felt weird with her not here.
"We should invite Valery round and watch some films. Its only half 10" Lou said and we all agreed, Samantha didnt say anything which i though was weird but i just shrugged it off.
"I'll text her" I got my phone out and texted her and normally she would reply but she didnt. I decided i would call her but it went straight to voice mail.
"Whats up?" Eleanor asked as i walked in the livingroom where everyone was with a worried expression.
"Valerys not answering her phone like she would?" I said. Everyone started looking worried but then Samantha spoke.
"She told me not to tell you this but..." she trailed off.
"What?!" I asked panicing.
"She said she didnt want your guys to think she ditched you or something but she left because her friend invited her to a party" Samantha said and we all looked shocked at eachother. Valery never really liked parties and she would only really go to one if we would or someone special to her wants her to go.
"What? Who?" I asked because Valery never mentioned a person or friend.
"I dont know she didnt say a name, some boy i think?" Samantha said unsure.
"Oh Okay" I said but i dont know i felt hurt. She didnt tell me her best friend or any of us about some boy shes met. Why would she lie to us?


I looked at my phone and saw that i had a miss call and a message from Harry. I also saw that it was nearly half 11. SHIT. Its getting late and i dont know where i am also its so dark now im scared. This is making me scared because of me remembering my rape. God im freaking out not. I decided i would call Harry and hopefully he would answer and come and get me. I was near a street name so i can tell him.

I called him but he didnt answer. I thought maybe he didnt get to his phone or wasnt near his phone, but then harry always has his phone. I called again and it went to answer phone again. When i called him again this time he pressed the ignore button straight away. I texted him but he didnt reply to them ether. I called again but he ignored it again. Right now i was paranoid as i might get raped again and i dont know where the hell i am.


Harry went to the toilet during the film and his phone fell out of his back pocket i decided to pick it up and noticed when i did Valery was calling. I just stared at it till it finished ringing. I was about to put the phone down when her name popped up again. Why does she keep calling? this time i pressed ignore. There she will think thats harry and that his ignoring her. She ignored him and i told them a lie and they seemed upset she lied. Maybe if Harry ignores her she will get the point. She then texted him and i opened them like he had read them but didnt reply. She rang again but i ignored it. As i did Harry come back in the room. He come and sat next to me when he saw his phone in my hands.
"How'd you get that?" He asked
"IT fell out your pocket as you got up and i wanted to know what the time was" I said and he nodded believing every word. I smiled up at him as he smiled down at me. I gave it back to him and he put it in his pocket without looking at it anymore. Then we both went back to watching the film.


Whys Harry ignoring my calls and texts. I mean yea i ignored his. Actually i didnt ignore his because i didnt see them. I didnt hear my phone go off and i did call back straight away when i saw them. Normally even if his angry with me, which he has nothing to be angry at, he would answer me.

I heard a noise. Like rustling. I turned round and saw no one. Then i heard footsteps. SHIT! No i cant be raped again. No. Why does this always happen to me? Does the universe hate me this much!? I looked everywhere but i coudlnt find where the footsteps were coming from. Suddenly all the sounds stopped and it was quiet. To be honest the quiet scares me more than anything.

I looked round and saw a bench. I walked over and decided to sit down on it and think of what to do. But again i didnt know what to do. I couldnt just stay here could i? I mean i dont know where i am and its scary. Also I dont know where im going to go if i dont wanna stay here because i dont have a car and no buses are coming till the morning. Also Harry isnt answering his phone. Wait what if i call one of the others? I pulled my phone out again and when i clicked the home button it lit up and then turned itself off. Run out of battery. Really? Can anything worst happen to me? Suddenly i felt drops on my head. I looked up and saw it was starting to rain, and hard. I looked down and sighed. I guess things can get worst for me. I yawned noticing i was getting really tired. Suddenly i started laying down and with the hard rain falling all over me which is bound to give me cold the morning, i fell asleep on the uncomfortable bench.




Back For You. (WYWH Sequel) - Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now