Chapter 22.

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Its been a couple of weeks since Valery moved into her new flat and like she said she has been round ours or we went round hers. She getting on well with paying the rent and everything. Now with the two jobs she can pay rent, get food and still have some money left which is great. Im happy for her.

As for me. I have been seeing Samantha more and more.  We have gone a couple of dates and i finally asked her out a couple of days ago. Shes met the boys but not Valery. Cause Valery is coming round tonight i will invite Samantha so they can met. Of course i want my best friend to met her because its bad if not. She doesnt even know i have a girlfriend cause i have spoken to her for a couple days because shes been busy with work.


It was around 6 and i decided to start making my way over to boys as they invited me round. I havent spoken or seen them in a couple days because of work.

I knocked on the door and opened it was a very happy smiling Harry.
"Hey, i have someone i want you to met" Harry said dragging me to the livingroom after i shut the door.

When i looked in the livingroom all the boys, their girlfriends and a very familiar girl was sitting on the sofas. I looked at her and then back at harry.
"Samantha this is Valery my best friend" He said and the girl, Samantha, stood up. "Valery this is Samantha, My girlfriend." As soon as he said girlfriend i choked on my own spit.
"Girlfriend?" I asked
"Yea i asked her a couple days ago."
"They all know?" I asked looking at the boys and girlfriends.
"So im the last one to know? Thanks" I said but before Harry could say anything i turned towards Samantha.
"Its nice to finally met you" I smiled
"Yea same" She said through gritted teeth and i swear she gave me evils. Seriously whats wrong with this girl. I have just met her and she hates me. I looked around the room and then at Harry but no one seemed to see it. Maybe im just imagining things. Yea thats it.
"Valery can you help me in the kitchen?" Harry snapped me out of my thoughts. I nodded and followed him into the kitchen.

"Are you actually mad at me thats you are the last to know about this?" He asked as he got the popcorn and put it in the microwave.
"No, i mean im upset but never mind" I said
"Im sorry i was going to tell you first but when we came home she told all the boys and of course they told their girlfriends." He said and i nodded.
"I get it"
"You really dont care?"
"I mean if she makes you happy then im happy for you" I said and he smiles.
"Yea she does" He said smiling at me.
"Good cause if she didnt i wouldnt have to beat her up" I said and Harry laughed.
"Yea sure you will."
"Heyy, i mean it if she hurts you she will have me to deal with!" And harry just laughed more. I pouted and hit his arm repeatively.
"Okay okay you will! I believe you!" He said and i smiled and stop hitting him.

For the rest of the night we just laughed and watched movies. I felt Samantha giving me evils the whole time but i ignored it. She couldnt hate me right? Its just me imagining things. Its gotta be.

It was getting late so i stayed at the boys house. I stayed in my old room that i had here as Samantha was apparently staying in harrys room.




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