Chapter 10.

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I went to the newpaper to work today. Because i didnt want to finished early i stayed late and said i would lock up.

It was about 10:30 now and i was locking up. The newpaper is right near a pub and i have to walk past it. I didnt drive today because it was sunny so i thought i would enjoy the sun.

As i walked past the pub there was loads of drunk men out side.

"Come on love!" One shouted.

"We can give you a good time" Another shouted.

All the others shouted lots of things along these lines. I just carried on walking past them, acting like they werent there.

As soon as i pasted them i heard footsteps behind me. I started walking quicker but that didnt help. Someone pulled me into a alleyway. It was dark and i couldnt see much but i was scared for life. I didnt know who this person was or what they were going to do.

"Whats a pretty lady like you doing walking alone?" He slirred in my ear. I could smell the achola on him. I didnt reply and just tried to push him off of me but i couldnt. He done a evil sounding laugh and then looked me straight in the eyes. He had dark brown eyes, nearly black. He had a short buzz cut hair the colour being black. He wasnt tanned but not pale ether. He was much taller than me. He had muscle.

I tried pushing him away again.

"LEAVE ME ALONE! JUST LET ME GO!" I screamed at him but he just laughed again and covered my mouth so i wouldnt scream anymore.

"No ones coming to rescue you. No one can hear you. So lets have some fun, shall we?" He said and slowly his other hand creeped up my inner thigh.

I started to struggle but nothing was helping. I bite his hand and he moved it from my mouth but i didnt have the strength in me to scream. I was sobbing to much. Tears were streaming down my face as i realised whats about to happen.

"Now dont cry, you'll love this" He said and his hand was going down my pants. With his other hand he pulled my knickers and pants down. I tried pushing him away again but it didnt work. I was to weak for him.

He then unbuckled his pants and pulled them down with his boxers. I cried and sobbed even more knowing i cant do anything to stop this anymore.

Suddnely he slammed himself into me and i screamed with pain. This was horrible everytime he went in and out it hurt more. I cried and screamed with pain.

After what seemed a life time, the pain stopped. He pulled up his pants and left. I pulled my knickers and jeans up and then started to walk. All i could picture was his horrible laugh and his eyes staring at me. I then started to run home not wanting anything like that to happen again.

Once i got to my flat i was crying to hard. I fiddled with my keys and unlocked the door. I didnt bother shutting it as i ran to my bathroom and stripped down and started to shower.

The shower water with mixed with my tears as i scrubbed every part of my body. I could still feel his horrible hands all over my body. I washed over and over again but nothing helped. When i got out i put new underwear on and one of Harrys tops i found in my draw. It come down to just under my bum.

I made my way over to my bed and sat in the middle of it. I looked round my whole room and started seeing his eyes. They were everywhere watching me.

"NO NO NO! LEAVE ME ALONE!" I shouted. I started crying again.

I started thrushing about and scratching myself till i was bleeding. I was trying to scratch his hands off of me but it didnt help. My bed sheets that were once white had red blood spots.

I saw a shadow and run to my bathroom. I grapped my razor and ran back to my bed. I felt somehow safer on my bed then anywhere else.

I looked at the razor and then at my room. His eyes were still there. The brown/black eyes watching my every move.

"NO NO NO!" I kept shouting over and over again.

"WHY ME? WHY? WHY?!" I shouted.

I brought the razor to my wrist and cut a couple of times but then i heard his evil laugh running through my ears. I dropped the razor and put my hand to my ears. I sqeezed my eyes shut trying to get red of the sound but i coudnt.



We had had to much fun that we didnt realise it was 11:30 already.

"Hey guys we better go see Valery now" I said and they nodded.

"Lets go" Lou cheered and we laughed at him.

We all went in my range rover.

When we got to Valerys flat we all stumbled out the car made our way to her door. When we did we saw it was open. We all looked at eachother with raised eyebrows.

"NO NO NO! LEAVE ME ALONE! PLEASE!" We heard Valery shout. We all looked paniced and then run in her flat.

"VALERY! WHERE ARE YOU?!" I shouted.

"NO NO NO!" She shouted and we followed her shouting.

What we saw was horrible. We all stood near the doorway and looked at her. The sheets were turning red with blood. He arms, wrists and legs all had cuts on them. She was struggling around like she was trying to get away from someone. No one was here but she was sitting in the middle of the bed in underwear and one of my tops i gave her.

"Valery?" I said calmly.

Her head snapped around in direction and she started crying more. I slowly started walking towards.

"NO NO! DONT! LEAVE ME ALONE! PLEASE! Dont Hurt Me" She whispered the last bit but we all heard it.

I was hurt. She thought i was going to hurt her.


I heard someone shout my name and ask where i was. I started struggling again and shouted no.

I started crying more as i heard his horrible evil laugh. The eyes were still here and i couldnt get away from them. They were judging my every move.

"Valery?" I heard someone say calmly. I snapped my head in the direction of the voice. It was right near the doorway. There were loads of shadows. People. He came back with his friends. No No. He started walking in my direction and i cried more.

"NO NO! DONT! LEAVE ME ALONE! PLEASE! Dont Hurt Me!" I said whispering the last part. The person stopped wlaking towards me and i sighed.




Back For You. (WYWH Sequel) - Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now