Chapter 30.

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Its been a month since the argument and i havent left my flat. I called work again saying i was ill. They believed me all the time. I didnt know what to do. I mean its like im numb without him. Like every single part of me has been ripped away from me. Everything i need to be happy or live is gone.

I dont like going to work because it reminds me of him to much but i know i will have to go back soon. He helped me get this job and i wouldnt have this job to pay for my bills for me to have this flat if it werent for him. Yea he said that i did this for myself but really i still had help from him. I always did. The only thing i did was get into the new york uni of Photography by myself but other wise i have always needed help.

I looked down at my wrist as i was laying on my sofa with a blanket round me. I saw the scars. My scars. The scars that i had done to myself. The scars that made me reless all the hurt and pain. Thats what im feeling right now and im so close to go back to how i was. To cutting. To self harming. Im so close. Its like im standing in a dark room with one small spot light shining to show me the way. The way out but its slowly fading. Im slowly going back into the darkness.


I snapped out my thoughts when i heard that someone was banging on my door. I quickly got up and walked to the door. I didnt care that i was in joggers, a top and jacket. I just wanted the banging to stop. No one has come to see me since the argument so who could it be?

I slowly opened the door and was shocked to see what i saw.

"Harry?" I said as he looked up from the ground.


Its been a month since the argument or fight with Valery and none of us have seen her. Lou said that her cars hasnt more on her drive at all this month. Apparently she hasnt gone out and when i called her work they said she hasnt been in for thsi month ether, saying she was ill. I dont want her here because of what she said to Sam but it doesnt mean i dont still care about her. I mean i wanted to make sure she was alright but apparently she hasnt been out for month. Isnt that bad? I mean she should have, right?

But enough about Valery. Me and Sam our going out again. We have been dating for 2 months now so we are going out for lunch at a restruant. I like Sam more than ever now Obviously she likes me too because a couple days ago we say 'I love you' to each other, so yea its better good.

"Hey babe" I said as she got in the car.

"Hey" she said and off we went to the restruant.


Me and Sam had been sitting and atlking for a while when her phone started ringing. She looked and he face went pale before she went back to normal.

"You okay?" I asked and she looked at me.

"Yea i just gotta take this" She said and walked out the front of the restruant ro answer it.

I could see her from the window that she was talking harshly on the phone but she had been out there for ages. We both had eaten so i decided to get the bil and pay. Once i did i made my way out side and started walking towards her. She didnt see me as she had her back to me.

"I cant okay.....I know the plan....Yes just a little more time.....Yes by then i will have enough of his money for us" She said and i was shocked.

"WHAT?!" I shouted hearing that made me die.

She turned round and her face was pale. She hung up on the person and went to speak but i stopped her.

"Valery was right all along werent she?" I said calmly as i was crushed.

Sam didnt say anything she just looked at the floor.

"Wow. I really liked you. I even said i loved you! You said it back! Did none of this actually matter to you! did you really want my money that much! You just played me!" I said and she looked back at me, by now i had tears in my eyes.

"Im sorry okay"

"Sorrys not going to cut it. I cant believe you. We're over." I said and started to walk to my car.

"How am i getting home?!" She shouted and i shrugged.

"Find your own way" I said and got in the car.

I started driving while thinking. This really hurt. Valery was right. It was all a plan. She didnt like me like i liked her. She didnt even love me. I said i loved her and she lied. How could i believe Sam over Valery anyway? Valery had always been true to me and i shouted at her and told her to leave.

SHIT! What have i done?! The one person who told me the truth from the start. The only person who would understand me more than anyone i told to leave. I told Valery to leave me. Leave. Just that. I said i didnt wanna see her anymore. What have i done? SHIT! Seriously im such a idiot!!!

Suddenly i stopped the car. I hadnt realised i had stopped out of Valery flat till i looke dout the window. Her car was in the same place which it has been for the last month. She really hasnt left for the month. She probably hates me. Shes going to tell me to go away. With all the things i said to her she probably doesnt even wanna see me. Seriously why am i such an idiot? I got out the car and locked it. I looked around and saw everything was quiet. No one was here. Yea it was the middle of the day so everyone is probably at work or something. I walked up to the door with tears streaming done my face and knocked. I soon heard light footsteps and then the door opened. Valery was wearing joggers, top and jacket with her hair in a messy bun. She looked like she hadnt slept in ages. She had bags under her eyes but she looked shocked. Shocked to see me. I know she toldme not to come running to her if Sam does soon break my heart but i didnt have anyone else to come to who would understand. I dont know why i can. Shes not going to say anything is she? Shes going to shut the door in my face?! Damn it! She probably hates me soooo much right now!

"Harry?" She said like she werent sure it was me.





I will upload more later when I have wrote it because at the moment this is all I have written on the sequel. Hope you like it!:P

Back For You. (WYWH Sequel) - Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now