Chapter 12.

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I was walking when i was pulled into a alleyway. I tried to scream and cry but no one came. I suddenly heard that evil laugh and started to cry and scream more. I struggling but nothing was working.

"Valery?" I heard someone say. Whos there on my god.

"NO!" I shouted

"Valery wake up!" The voice said louder "Open your eyes valery" They said but i struggled more. "OPEN YOUR EYES!" they cried out.

Soon I opened my eyes and sat up in my bed, in my room, in my flat. I had tears down my cheeks and when i looked around all my friends were here. Harry was next to me holding my shoulders. Eleanor and the rest of the boys were all round my bed. As i carried on looking i suddenly saw his figure by my door.

I started moving to the top of my bed away from them.

"NO!" I shouted.

"Valery whats wrong?" Harry said still holding my shoulders. I looked past everyone just looking at his figure near my door.

"His here" I whispered.

"Whos here, Valery?" Harry asked

"His here. By the door!" I started to panic. The group looked at the door.

"No ones there Valery" Zayn said and i sighed.

"Yes his there" I said shuttign my eyes tight but that didnt work because i just saw his eyes. His brown/golden eyes. I opened my eyes wide and i saw the figure had got closer.

"No his getting closer! Please help me..." I whispered the last bit.

"Valery" I heard Harry voice but i didnt look at him i carried on looking at the door.

"Valery look at me" Suddenly he put his hands either side of my face and turned my head so i was looking in his eyes. "Valery, just look at me okay? No ones there. Its all in your mind" He said and i sighed. I started to calm down as Harry quietly spoke to me. When i looked at the door next he werent there. I smiled and hugged Harry tightly. He hugged back straight away.

"Try get some sleep" He whispered and i nodded.

"Lay next to me" i said and he nodded.

"Move over then" He said and i moved over. He got in and i hugged his waist. He hugged me back as i slowly fell back to sleep.


Everyone was watching as i calmed her down and got in bed with her. Once she was asleep i asked the question thats been bothering me.

"Whats happened to her?" I asked, mainly El because she was the only one talking to her.

We all looked at Eleanor and she sighed.

"You gotta promise not to be loud because shes asleep" She said and we all nodded. "She got raped" As soon as those three words left her mouth we all looked Valery.

How could someone do this to her? Shes the sweetest, nicest person ever. She doesnt do anything wrong. She loves making other people happy. She worries more about other people than herself. Shes doesnt deserve this.

"Who do it?" Lou asked snapping all of us out of our thoughts.

"I dont know when i asked her she was a sleep." Eleanor said hugging Lou's side.

"She doesnt deserve this" I said looking at her.

"No one deserves this" Liam said and we all agreed.

"You guys can go if you want. I'll stay with her" I said as they would be staying on the floor.

"You sure?" Lou asked and i nodded.

"If you need us, call" Liam said and i nodded

"I will dont worry" I said and they said goodbye and left back home.

I sighed and moved down the bed so i was laying more, next to Valery. I put my arms round her waist and pulled her closer to me. She snuggled more into me and i smiled.

"Why would someone do this to you?" I whispered and kissed her forehead.

Soon i slowly fell asleep.




Back For You. (WYWH Sequel) - Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now