Chapter Three

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Saturday morning, I wake up to the sun blinding me. I pull the covers over my face and hear my phone buzz. I reach my hand outside of the blankets and feel around to find my phone. Once I feel my phone, I take it and put in my password.


I'm coming to pick you guys up at three so be ready. Also Kousei is coming but he's gonna leave on his own. See you!
Sent - 11:45 a.m.

I look at the time and see that it's quarter to eleven. I sit up and yawn as I scratch my scalp. Through my cracked open window, I can hear Watari next door rummaging through his drawers and panicking. I open the window more and stick my head out.

"Morning!" I cheerfully greet.

Watari stops and walks over to the window. "Maika!" He responds. He seems a bit out of breath.

"You look like a wreck, how long have you been up trying to get ready?" I ask.

"Wha- no! I can't look like that! I have to look cool and charming!" He yells in distress. He quickly throws on something and turns to me. "What about this?!"

I inspect his outfit and shake my head. "Are you serious Watari? I thought you were better than this. Why are you wearing a suit jacket and plaid shorts?"

"Ack!! I'm so nervous!" He exclaims and almost pulls his hair out.

"Hold on, I'm gonna change and then I'll come over to help you so try to stay calm," I say and close the curtains. I walk over to my dresser and pick up the clothes that I put out the night before. I change out of my pajamas and into a black long-sleeved top with a square neckline and ruched white fabric to fill in the neckline. A white simple skirt matches the white on my top and I also wear black tights. I put on pearl earrings and a gold pendant necklace after washing my face and brushing my teeth, then I exit my room and I head downstairs. I slip my feet into black loafers and open the door to go outside.

As I approach Watari's house, he practically kicks down the door and drags me up the step by my hand. "What took you so long?"

"I can't change in a second and I didn't even take that long! It was only thirteen minutes!" I yell as I kick my shoes off.

"Fine, sorry... It's just that this is really stressing me out." He apologizes.

"It's fine, just breathe in and out. I'll help you."

"I've never seen him so worked up before over a girl... Is she that special?"

"Okay," He sighs and sits on his bed.

"By the way, your room is a mess," I comment.

"I know, you don't have to say it," Watari pouts and crosses his arms.

I giggle and look through his closet. "Hm.." I mumble as I pick out articles of clothing. "This is good!" I take the shirt and jeans and hand them to him. "Try these and I'll go outside."

"Okay..." He responds and I walk out. After a minute, he comes back out, wearing a yellow-green long-sleeve shirt with a purple shirt underneath that shows, and brown pants. "I think this is it! Thanks!"

"The key to looking good is to not look like you're overdoing it but also not underdressing. You want to look casual but fashionable at the same time." I explain while brushing his shoulders off.

"How do you know?" He questions.

"'Cause I'm a girl," I reply. "Anyways, have you eaten yet? I'm starving,"

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