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After hearing Ayako's story, tears start brimming in her eyes. "I'm not trying to show off.. I just want to make people happy."

"Ayako, what they say is not true. Everyone has their own opinions, but their opinions are far from the truth. You're an amazing dancer and you have so much potential. Your precision versus how much heart and soul you put in during your performance, heart and soul matter more if you want to make an impact on others." I console her.

"Hate will always exist, but you have to rise above it and prove to them that they're wrong."

She sniffles, wipes the tears away and smiles.

"Thank you Maika.."

• • •

The next couple of days, we continue practicing non-stop, perfecting the choreography. I know that it's not good for me to dance, but I should make worth of the little time I have left.

In a flash, the gala arrives. The morning of the showcase, I change into a gray, oversized knit sweater with black jeans. Ayako has to be at the school earlier to sign in and confirm that she's there, then a lot of the performers practice before they have to go up. Ayako told me that I don't need to go when she needs to, but I will anyways so we can do some last minute touch ups on the choreography.

Before leaving, I grab my black purse and put on white converse high tops. When I exit my house, I head over to Kumuri junior high where Ayako attends school.

When I arrive on the school grounds, all the boys start gushing over me. I can hear their whispers about how "pretty" I am and girls become jealous.

Trying to get to the music hall as quickly as I can without being stopped by one of those boys, I accidentally run into a male figure.

"Oh!! I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going," I apologize and bow. When I look up, Takeshi stares down at me.

"You don't need to apologize," He says.

"Takeshi? What're you doing here?"

"My sister attends this school and she's performing in the gala. What're you doing here?"

"A girl that attends this school asked me to train her for the gala," I explain. Girls that pass us whisper loud enough for me to make out what they're saying. Stuff like "They look so good together!" or "Are they a couple?" and other nonsense.

"Do you know where the music wing is?" I ask.

"Yeah, want me to accompany you?" He questions.

"Um, sure," I reply and we head over to the music hall. Since we don't know each other that well, it's pretty awkward walking with him. We don't speak a word until he stops.

"This is it, I guess I'll you later at some point." Takeshi waves goodbye and walks inside the auditorium. 

After he leaves, I ask students if they've seen Ayako. One of the students informs me that she's been in the bathroom for a while. I thank them then head over to the restroom where they said she was.

"Ayako? Are you in here?" I call out. I here someone hyperventilating in one of the closed stalls. "Ayako?"

"M-Maika?" She inquires. I push open on one of the doors and she sits in the corner of the stall.

This is just like what happened with Watari...

"Ayako.." I whisper and kneel down to her level.

"I'm sorry, I'm usually never like this, but I'm terrified..." She mutters. "The director is saying that there will be a segment in the newspaper about me and another selected student. If I mess up, my classmates will bash on me even more.."

"Don't think about those things. In the end, they don't matter. The people who support you and care for you are the ones that matter the most."

"The truth is, we're all terrified; even the bravest ones, they just don't show it."

Ayako looks up to me. "So, were you scared?"

"Yeah, and I still am."


I breath in and sigh. I guess I'm telling her.

"I have a secret, I don't tell this to many people, so don't tell anyone."

♪ ♪ ♪

I realized I haven't updated so here's a quick one. Sorry if there's grammar or spelling mistakes, I'm about to go to sleep and I don't have time to edit.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!


Secrets Of Spring  | Shigatsu Wa Kimi No Uso ;; Watari Ryota |Where stories live. Discover now