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The winter days pass and early spring arrives as I prepare for the surgery. The week before my operation, the doctors have let me go back to school to take my entrance exams for high school.

Once I get dressed for school, I leave the hospital and take the bus to go to school. Once I open the door to my classroom, I sneak up behind Tsubaki who is talking to some of our classmates. I tase her sides from behind and she screams.

"Watari!!-" She shouts and turns around, assuming that it's not me. Once she realizes that it's me, she gasps and starts crying.

"Maika!! Are you better now? Did they do the surgery?!" Tsubaki questions me while she hugs me.

"Calm down Tsubaki, the doctors let me go back to school for one week to take my entrance exams. I'll go back on Monday," I explain.


I turn and see Watari standing in the doorway with Kousei by his side. He stands frozen, just staring at me with a shocked expression.

I go to him and take his wrist, pulling him out of the room and into the hallway. Not many people are in the corridor because class is starting soon.

"Y-you're back... How was the surgery? Are you feeling okay?"

"I didn't have the surgery yet... I'm only back for a week and then I'll have my surgery on Sunday." I explain.


"I'm sorry if I startled you," I apologize as the warning bell rings. "We should go-"

Watari pulls me closer to him and kisses me gently on the lips, silencing me. He hugs me and his chin rests on my head.

"I hope you know that I won't loose you no matter what,"

Entrance exams come to an end when Friday comes and a lot of students go out to celebrate with their friends, also to get a break from studying. Tsubaki and Kousei's parents are in town so they spend their time with them while Watari and I are alone at his house.

"You wanna go eat? I know this restaurant with good Gyudon-"

"No need, I'm taking you somewhere special!" He interrupts me.


He places a finger on my lips and a smirk appears on his lips. "It's a surprise!" He kisses me and then winks before pulling me out of the house.

We board the next bus and sit in the back together. There's only a couple other passengers riding so the ride is fairly quiet on the way there.

More than an hour later we arrive at an intersection on a dirt road in the middle of nowhere. "We're here!"

Green valleys and dirt roads surround us and I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Well almost here," Watari reassures me. He pulls out a bandana from his back pocket and walks towards me. "It's part of the surprise." Watari ties the bandana around my eyes and holds my hand after, leading me to his next destination.

A couple minutes pass and he comes to a stop. Watari comes behind me and unties the bandana. I open my eyes to reveal the sight of a trail of rose petals leading up to a picnic blanket with a pizza box ontop. We stand on top of beautiful hill over valleys of lush green and wild flowers.

"What is this place...?"

"When I was younger, my dad brought me here all the time. My parents fought and he knew that this was the right place to go, to relax and escape from everything," He sighs. "He told me to only bring someone special and deserving of this place and I never knew who to bring."

"But you brought me."

"Because I knew you were the one."

We sit down on the blanket and he starts eating but I stare off at the sunset. "The sky is so... Beautiful..."

"This place is known for their beautiful sunsets and sunrises

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"This place is known for their beautiful sunsets and sunrises. I've seen so many of them, and they're more breathtaking every time."

I remain speechless as I watch in amazement. Flocks of birds fly through the sun's rays, creating shadows below them. The sky's hue has changed to a mixture of yellows and oranges.

"You should eat," Watari interrupts my thoughts. "This pizza is really good, the bread sticks too!"

I begin to eat and we talk like everything is normal, acting as if my fate won't be decided in two days.

"Should we go now? It's getting dark,"

"Not yet, this if the whole reason why I brought you here," Watari says. "Close your eyes." I do as he says. "Lay on your back and I'll tell you when."

"Can I open my eyes now?" I ask after five minutes.

"Not yet..." He mumbles. After a minute, his voice interrupts the silence. "Okay ready?"


"Okay, then open your eyes."

I do as he says.

Thousands of stars shine in the sky above, twinkling brightly in the indigo sky

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Thousands of stars shine in the sky above, twinkling brightly in the indigo sky. Stars shoot across the heavens, travelling at an immensely fast pace.

I stay speechless as I watch mesmerized by the scene above.

"I know, everyone is always speechless when they see this."

I hug Watari tightly, surprising him. "Thank you Watari for letting me see this beautiful scene at least once in my life..."

♪ ♪ ♪

I'm back from the dead
School is about to start though so rip
I haven't updated and something really bad happened and I don't know what to do.
I'll try to finish this before this year because this has been way over due


Secrets Of Spring  | Shigatsu Wa Kimi No Uso ;; Watari Ryota |Where stories live. Discover now