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The music begins and you can hear the piano recording resonate throughout the auditorium as string instruments are added into the song.

Ayako begins to do the choreography and her eyes are still open, which surprises me since she insists on keeping them closed when she performs.

Good, there haven't been any mistakes yet..

The choreography flows from one movement to the next, but the motions Ayako does are sharp and precise, but in a good way this time. It doesn't look like she's stiff or scared, but her nerves have finally calmed down.

Her eyes are focused on one thing in the crowd and I wonder who or what she's staring at. Since I'm not too close to the stage, I don't really know where she's looking but I disregard that thought of mine and focus on her performance.

For some reason, being on the stage changes my whole perspective on how she performs when she's practicing. Ayako was good during practice, but now she's even more amazing on the stage.

Why do I feel like a proud mom...

With the last note, Ayako freezes in her ending position and she closes her eyes. The audience cheers loudly and the applauds echoes throughout the auditorium.

Ayako bows before leaving the spotlight and the lights in the audience turn back on. The four of us rush to go backstage to congratulate Ayako and Kousei.

Once Ayako spots me, she sprints towards my direction. "Maika!!" She exclaims.

"Ayako, you did amazing! See what I said?"

She nods. "Mhm. Did you notice that my eyes were open this time?"

"Of course, why made you decide to finally open them?"

Her lips curl into a smile. "I wanted to see you. I wanted to see how proud you are of me on that stage."

Secrets Of Spring  | Shigatsu Wa Kimi No Uso ;; Watari Ryota |Where stories live. Discover now