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"Who are you?" I question the blonde girl. The girl's eyes are a soft Sapphire color and her blonde bob cut shape her round face. "Where am I?"

How did I end up here in the first place?

I examine the machines around me and the wires that are hooked up to me. Then I remember the last thing that happened.

The car crash.

"Where's my dad?" I interrogate. Before the girl can respond, a nurse comes in and takes her away.

"It's best if we leave now Ms. Miyazono," The nurse says to the girl.

My mother sprints into the room and holds onto the door handle as she pants from exhaustion. "M-Maika!! You're finally awake!!" She cries and embraces me.

"Mama, how long have I been asleep?" I gaze out the window and see the trees are in full bloom and the sun shines brightly. Not like how it was after the show.

She pulls out of the hug and sniffles, I wipe away a tear on her cheek with my finger. "The day you went to the ballet, you were in a car accident." She starts to explain. "You and your father were in critical condition, but.... You... You w-were the only one.. that survived.. this fatal accident."

I become paralyzed. A chill runs down my spine and my blood becomes cold. The sound of the wind and the beeping from the machines around me fill the silence. "He's... Father is.... Gone?"

She blinks back her tears and nods. "Yes... He was born into eternal life."

This is all my fault... If I didn't go that day, if we stayed home, maybe I would've been outside right now and playing with my father, dancing with him and waltzing in the living room...

I'm the reason for his death.

• • •

It's been three hours, and I've never cried that hard in my life. He's really gone, and I couldn't even say goodbye. My head is pounding from the crying and my mom tells me to go to sleep, but if I do, I'm afraid that I'll never wake up. Like my dad.

First, I eat and drink, nourishing myself again but I feel too sick to eat, I can't even get a more than five bites. So I drink water. I chug it down and set it on the side table. A vase of flowers and letters rest on the end table.

"What... Is this?" I ask my nurse when she walks into to take my food away.

"Those? Those are from another patient, the same age as you. You should read her letters, starting from the bottom one, the very first one." She exits the room and I tear open the first envelope.


Hello! You don't know me, but I see you whenever I come to the hospital. Even though we don't know each other, let's talk more when you wake up! I'm praying for you to wake up soon.

-Miyazono Kaori

I take the next letter from her and begin to read it.



From now on as long as you're in the hospital, I'll attempt to come every week at least once. I'll be your company, besides these nurses and doctors. And I'll also be spending time here a lot too. I'll explain in my next letter.

-Miyazono Kaori


Like I said in my second note, I would explain why I stay at the hospital a lot. Ever since I can remember, I've always been sick. My muscles fail on me and I fall a lot, so I go to the hospital many times. My fate is cruel and I wish to run around like a normal person without falling, lying to others saying that I just tripped.

I wish to not lie anymore. Don't become like me.

-Miyazono Kaori


When I visited today, I finally met your mom. It's so cool that you dance! When you wake up, let me come to your recitals, I'll be there to support you!

-Miyazono Kaori


I write this in the hospital. Like I said in my second letter, I'm becoming weaker. So I fell again, down a flight of stairs. I didn't hit my head or anything, but my parents sped me to the hospital. I wish that you don't have the same fate as me.

-Miyazono Kaori

She cares so much for a stranger...

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