Chapter Twenty

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"Have fun in Italy," Aiza's words echo in my head when I enter my house and slip out of my shoes.

I sigh regretfully. I wish I could, I still dream that a miracle will happen and I won't have to walk around glass shards on the floor and be careful--but that will never happen. I still need to tell the committee that I can't go as well, but I just want to prolong the pain and make it feel like there's still hope. I walk upstairs to my room and see Watari standing in his room across from my window, signaling me to open my window with sternness in his eyes.

"Why were you with him?" He asks seriously.

"With Aiza?"

"Who else would I be talking about,"

Why is he like this?

"Is it because he's Kousei's competition? Is that what's got you worked up?" I say light-heartedly to lift the mood a little.

"N-no, just, why were you with him? The rest of us wondered where you wandered off to and your phone died so we couldn't get a hold of you," He explains.

I raise an eyebrow and pull out my phone from my purse. To my avail, it doesn't turn on. "I didn't realize it died, sorry. I just stayed behind though, it wasn't a big deal. Aiza doesn't live far from here either so he walked me home after we ran into each other after the competition, why?" I ask.

"Never mind," He replies and sighs, plopping down onto his bed.

Silence fills the air and I frown. I wonder why he's acting like this, it's weird.

"So, what're you doing over the summer? Any plans?" I ask to break the silence.

"I have to go to summer school, failed my exams," Watari groans. Maybe that's what is making him sour all of the sudden, I'd feel that way too if I was him. "What about you? You going to that summer dance camp or whatever it's called like you usually do?"

"No, I'm not enrolled at the studio anymore, remember? Besides, it's my last summer vacation before going to high school. Soon we'll have to worry about college entrance exams and stuff over the summer too so I just wanna chill this time,"

Watari springs up from his bed, surprising me a little. "Wait, you'll actually be here this summer? Man, if I knew, I would've tried a little harder on the exams!" He exclaims.

"Why not try hard already?" I chuckle and question him.

"You've never stayed in town for summer break before, so it gets boring without you around. Tsubaki always fails too and Kousei doesn't like to do the kinda stuff I do, he's not the physical type of guy, you know?"

I ponder to myself for a moment and then blush upon my conclusion. "So... Have you been purposefully failing your exams because I wouldn't stay for the summer?"

"I wouldn't say purposefully, I'm not that bright in school you know," He jokes even though it is the truth. "But summers without you seemed lonely, and since the soccer season would be over, I had to figure something else out,"

I hide my face behind my hands for a moment to cover my blushed cheeks. If I had known, I would've stayed, I guess I missed out a lot. "Well, in high school make sure you try harder. We can spend summer break together then," I comment.

Watari cheers like a child and starts rambling about activities he's always wanted to do together with Tsubaki and Kousei during the summer. Go the pool, see a movie, teach us how to play soccer, you name it. I laugh and indulge in his ideas, I wish we could do them but summer is already booked for those three. I'm still hung up by what he said earlier tho, it plays like a broken record in my head.

"But summers without you seemed lonely,"

Does he possibly... Like me?

I shake my head at the thought.

Don't be stupid, Maika. Watari likes Miyazono Kaori. Watari likes the girl that was your childhood best friend. Watari likes the girl whose hair shimmers like a golden treasure. Watari likes the girl who shines like the sun, even at night. Watari likes the girl who's spontaneous, daring, and free.

I'm not that girl--Kaori is that girl.

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