Chapter Seven

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The Next Day

The bell rings for lunch and I head to the dance studio. As I open the door, I see Watari leaning up against the windows. "What're you doing?" He asks.

I avoid eye contact with him and look around the room. "Just... Hanging out,"

"You were gonna practice, weren't you?"

I pretend to be baffled at his accusation. "Dancing during lunch? Pssh, no!" I try to stand my ground but he cocks an eyebrow. He can see right through me, huh? "Fine, yes! I was going to practice! What's the big deal?"

"You're not practicing, not after you passed out for hours yesterday," Watari recalls the events of the day before.


"No buts, your butt should be sitting and eating a nutritious lunch. Fuel yourself before you hurt yourself, that's my motto!"

"Fine, do you even have lunch with you?" I question him now.

Watari suddenly becomes sheepish. "Eh, no..."

"And you're telling me to eat?" I hand him one of the bao buns in my hand and he takes it.

"You're not gonna eat?"

"I brought two. I usually eat both because I get hungry after I practice," We sit down against the wall and start to eat. "So how's the team?"

"Good, I guess. They were being stalkers yesterday when you fell asleep but I got rid of them. Other than that, they're fine," He responds and takes a bite.

"Ugh, were they being creepy again?"

"When aren't they being creepy?"

"Honestly, why do they have to be like this?"

"It's because you're pretty," He responds. I freeze and almost choke.

"Wha-" I start to say when he stands up.

"Heh, sorry I need to go to the bathroom, be right back!" He yells and runs out.


I finally stop running as I come up to the bathroom door. "Why am I running? We've been friends forever, so why is this happening?"

"Oh, hey, Watari." I hear a voice say. I look up and see Kousei walking up to the bathroom. "Is everything okay?" He inquires.

"Kousei! I need to talk to you," I say. I explain the whole story to him and he listens without saying a word. "And now, I don't know what to think,"

"Wow, I don't think I've ever seen you so worked up about a girl before," Kousei finally speaks up.

"But this is Maika we're talking about," I clarify.

"Do you not see her as a girl?" Kousei asks.

"Well, I mean yeah, obviously but not in that way. I wouldn't say she's like a sister but she's one of my best friends," I try to explain even though I don't think I make sense.

"If you're so caught up on this, maybe she is more to you than you think," Kousei hypothesizes. "I mean, she does like you,"

I cock my eyebrow and scoff. "Of course, as a friend though," Kousei looks at me with a judgemental look, disappointment and disgust filling his eyes. "What?!"

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