Chapter Eleven

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After the show concludes, I change into my regular clothes that I wore in the way here and head out into the lobby. Crowds of people congratulate me and I thank them while trying to weave my way through the groups of people. As I approach Kaori, Watari, Tsubaki and Kousei, Tsubaki tackles me with a hug, almost knocking me off of my feet.

"You did amazing, Maika!!" She yells.

"Thanks!" I respond as I try to regain my balance.

"Yeah no joke! All those other acts were okay but yours was the best," Watari comments.

"How do you remember all of that? It seems so hard to get all of those details perfected," Kousei asks.

"Yeah, how do you do it? You even changed your piece last minute!" Kaori chimes in.

I laugh and shrug. "That's my secret," I comment--I guess my secret is to wing it on the spot.

"Ms. Akiyama?" I hear an older voice say. I turn around and see one of the judges. "Congratulations on winning; here is your prize, a plane ticket to Italy and information for the Accademia Teatro Alla Scala. We've already paid for your summer tuition so all that you need to do is pack and fly out! We hope you enjoy your time in Italy next year and grow as a dancer through this opportunity,"

He hands me an envelope with the plane ticket and information about the ballet academy. "Thank you, but I-" I start to say when someone comes up and starts talking to the man.

"Woahh, sick!! Going to Italy to study ballet? Must be like a dream come true for you!" Tsubaki reacts as she looks through the pamphlet they gave me.

"When would you leave?" Watari asks.

"Next summer. This contest is catered to students in their last year of junior high so after we graduate, I would go there for the summer," I answer him. Even though the prize is just the summer training course, a lot of the winners end up spending their high school years in Italy after formally auditioning once the summer classes are done. But, I can't go, not if I'm like this.

"You know what we should do?" Kaori cuts in. "We should go out to celebrate Maika winning!!" Kaori suggests.

"Yes!! I'm starving," I comment.

We head over to a nearby restaurant and have dinner together. Even to the wait staff, Tsubaki and Watari brag about my achievements to everyone that they encounter and I become flustered each time, hiding behind my hands. Kousei says that they're just proud of me and I already know, that's why I haven't stopped them yet. This will be the last time they can boast about me like this, I won't spoil their fun. After we finish eating, we say goodbye and part ways to head home. Watari and I ride home on his bike, just like how we did on the way to the competition.

"Thanks for the ride," I thank him while hopping off.

"No problem," He replies. His phone chimes and he takes it out of his pocket and checks to see who it is. "Ugh, my mom is working late. Do you think I can come over? My house is so boring." He asks.

"Yeah sure, I was just gonna binge watch Fruits Basket as a reward to myself, it's my guilty pleasure,"

"Fruits what?"

I stare at him in disbelief. "Fruits Basket, my favorite show! I can't believe you didn't know," I grab him by the hand and drag him to my front door. "Come on, we're gonna watch it right now,"

We walk into my house and I go upstairs and change into pajama shorts and a T-shirt after showering. I run downstairs and walk into the kitchen where I find Watari waiting for me.

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