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About forty minutes have already passed and performed. The acts vary from singing to playing instruments, to tribal dancing... it's all very odd but it's a gala and you can do whatever you want.

Thirty-seven acts have passed and there's only three more until Ayako. She must be a nervous wreck, being the last one to perform, I would be too.


"Number thirty-seven, you're up," The director calls out. The person stands up and walks towards the stage doors.

Three more people to go...

I take a deep breath in, drink some water, then continue stretching. I tell myself to ignore what everyone says, but the comments come creeping back into my mind.

"Hey Ayako," A voice says. I look up and see Nagi. She wears a lime green sleeveless dress that almost touches the ground and her blonde locks are tied up.

"Oh, hey Nagi.." I respond.

"You okay?" Nagi sits on the ground across from me to be on eye-level with me.

I sigh. "Were you scared when people doubted your talent?"

"Of course I was. Why do you ask?"

"Because I want to know that someone feels the same way I guess.." I respond. "A lot of people look down on me and think that just because I'm rich, I think I'm a good dancer. I don't think that of myself at all, I don't think I'm amazing, or even good. Just average for my age."

"Don't say that about yourself. You are great and if you doubt yourself because of what others say, you won't improve." Nagi says.

"Number thirty-eight, please wait in the wings," A teacher announces.

I can feel the whole in my stomach become larger.

"I wish I didn't enter this gala..." I mumble.

"Why?" Nagi questions.

"Because I hurt someone in the process..."


After number thirty-eight's performance, the audience applauds. I straighten my back, knowing that Ayako is up next.

Why am I nervous? I'm not the one on that stage, Ayako is.. she probably still feels guilty....

"Our next and final performer is Suzuki Ayako and she will be dancing to Libertango."

Once again, everyone applauds when she walks out. She gets into her starting position and as usual, closes her eyes.

But when the music starts, they open.

♪ ♪ ♪

Omg I haven't updated in a while and I forgot to on Valentine's day :"(

Lately I haven't been writing as much as I want to and I think that it's because I don't know what to do next in the story. I'll try to write and update more though!

Also has anyone seen that thing where writers on Wattpad get paid for their stories if you watch an ad? I was reading another story and it happened but it hasn't happened ever since...


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