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The Last Chapter

As I step out of my mom's car, my palms become clammy due to nervousness. Staff from the airport assist me and my mom as we unload my luggage from the trunk. Tsubaki's mom pulls up in her car behind us and we all walk into the airport's lobby.

As we begin our goodbyes, my mom hugs me first, then steps back to give all of us alone time and waits. The tension in the air rises as people pass us by, but my heartbeat rings in my ears.

"Don't forget us," Tsubaki whines and tears up.

"How could I?" I reply and hug her. She chokes up and sniffles as I pat the top of her head and chuckle.

"I better see you on TV one day about how you're the new Misty Copeland," Kousei comments.

"I highly doubt that I'll be as great as her," He smiles and gives me a hug. He walks back next to Tsubaki and Watari slowly walks towards me.

"Maika!!" A voice calls out. Kioshi runs through the automatic doors and pauses to catch his breath. "I thought you already left, I was scared that I wouldn't come in time,"

I glance at Watari who stands next to Kioshi and he glares at him with daggers of jealousy.

"Keep that up Watari and your yandere might come out," Tsubaki snickers.

"Shut up!" Watari whispers and Kousei laughs.

"I'll really miss you Maika. I wish you the best in Italy," Kioshi hugs me tightly and now of all times, I feel terrible for rejecting him.

"I apologize... I-"

"I know,"

But do you really understand?

"And it's okay."

No, it isn't. But I'm happy with Watari... I hope you find someone deserving of you.

He pulls out and smiles. "And don't worry," Kioshi steps back and rests his arm on Watari's shoulder. "I'll make sure Watari stays in line and doesn't do anything behind your back!" He jokes.

Watari frowns and scrunches his nose. "You don't need to worry too much Kioshi, I'll be fine."

"Well we're going to the same school anyways so might as well," Kioshi replies. Before Watari can respond, Kioshi pushes him towards me and points at his wrist, motioning that time is running out before my flight.

"You promise to return?" Watari inquires.

"How could I abandon this place forever? Yeah, it's caused me pain, but my family is here," I hold his hands in mine and the corners of my mouth tug into a smile. "You're here."

We embrace each other and I hold back my tears. "You know, I always imagined what would happen when we were older, but I never imagined us standing here at this age," I say.

"That's why you have to come back... I love you Maika, I always have," He sighs and his chin rests on my shoulder. "I was a fool to accept it late though."

"It's okay... I love you too,"

Watari gently kisses me on the forehead while a single tear runs down his cheek.

"I... I have to go." I whisper. "I don't want to though,"

"Go on Maika, I'll wait for you here... Now's my time to wait after making you wait for me." Watari steps back and the three stand as they watch me go.

I grab my luggage and slowly walk away. I want to look back, but I know that I would want to stay even more.

Leaving everyone behind and starting a new future, it's scary. A weight is held on my chest but I've never felt freer. The secrets that I've held are now revealed. Now that they're unveiled to the stage, I can begin a new life for myself without restraints.

I can finally become the person I wished to be. I hope Kaori is watching over me radiantly, glad that I fought through the obstacles and that I'm standing tall, facing my fate head-on.

♪ ♪ ♪

The end!

Ahh!! It's finally the end of this story!

Thank you so much to everyone that supported me while reading this. In the beginning, I wrote this story secretly and I was self-conscious about my writing because I didn't think I was as good as other authors in the community. More than a year ago, I published this book as a birthday present for my friend (as well as Your Promise) and I never expected this to receive a lot of attention! Thank you to everyone that watched me struggle and grow as an author and I sincerely hope that you enjoyed reading this. I wish that it made you smile, laugh, and maybe even cry at some points.

Although this is the end to Secrets of Spring, I am working on a sequel to this book! I'm not exactly sure when I will publish it (I haven't even thought of a title ;-;) but I will update here or post it on my profile when I do.

I love you all!!

Rachel ♡

Secrets Of Spring  | Shigatsu Wa Kimi No Uso ;; Watari Ryota |Where stories live. Discover now