Chapter Thirteen

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My eyes grow wider at Kioshi's confession. I never thought he had those feelings for me, I don't know what to say! "I'm prepared for any response... But no matter what, I want you to be happy so I'll respect your decision. We don't have to go out just yet, we can get to know each other first if that's what you want, I just want you to know my feelings,"

I freeze. "I've never received a confession like this, the guys at school usually say "we should go out" because they're douches. But how am I supposed to respond? Especially to Kioshi, he's been my friend since forever, he's like Kaori to me!"

"I... I don't know what to say Kioshi. Right now isn't the best time for me to get in a relationship... And I have feelings for someone else. I'm sorry," I answer with my heart hurting for rejecting him. How will this affect our friendship? This is exactly why I haven't told Watari my feelings, because of the possibility of our friendship ending.

He sighs and smiles sorrowfully. "No worries, Maika, I kinda figured that's what you would say. Still, there's no harm in trying. Well, I'll see you later, Maika," He waves goodbye and walks away.

"Wait Kioshi!" I say and run after him. When I step out onto the road, both my legs give out and I collapse to the ground. My eyes widen in a panic and I hit my legs with my fists. "What's happening to my legs? Why won't they move?!" My heart races like crazy and my breathing becomes labored. All I want to do is stand, why is that so hard?

Kioshi looks back and sees me struggling on the pavement. "Maika!" He yells and runs over. "Are you alright? What happened?!" He asks frightened.

I try to speak but my vision becomes hazy, making it hard to think straight. "I... Need to... Go to the... the... hospital..." I say as everything becomes darker.

"Maika!! MAIKA!!" I hear Kioshi's voice echo as I completely black out.


"Oh my god, Maika..." Kioshi mumbles as he pulls out his phone and dials 911. "Hello? Please, I need help! My friend just collapsed and said she needs to go to the hospital," He proceeds to tell the operator of their whereabouts and keeps them on the phone. "She's still breathing, will she be alright?"

"She'll be fine, sir, help will be there very shortly," The operator informs him.

Kioshi picks up Maika and brings her to her front porch to lie her down. "What happened to you, Maika? You used to fall down a lot when we were younger but you claimed that it was because you were clumsy... Is it something more than that?"

Seconds later, Watari and Kaori walk towards Watari's house. Once Kioshi spots them, he yells for help and they run over to her upon seeing Maika unconscious.

"Maika?!" Kaori exclaims.

"What happened?!!" Watari yells.

"I don't know--she collapsed and then fainted. She told me to take her to the hospital. They're on their way," Kioshi explains.

"Maika... this means the disease is spreading faster throughout your body..." Kaori thinks to herself.

The three hear sirens in the distance that grow louder as they approach Maika's house. Once the ambulance arrives, they put Maika on a stretcher and carry her into the back of the ambulance. Kioshi follows and gets in the back.

"I'm sorry, Watari, but I need to go with her," Kaori says.

"Then I'm going too!" Watari yells back.

"No! I need to tell Kioshi something privately but call Kousei and Tsubaki," Kaori says and also gets in the back of the ambulance. The doors close and the sirens fade away as they drive away.

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