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One Month Later

I fell. Again. This time down one flight of stairs.

My body is becoming weaker and my parents decide to take me to the hospital again. Since my fall wasn't too bad, they only put me into a wheelchair.

I was already planning to go to the hospital so I guess it's a win-win? Except I'd rather not fall down the stairs. The nurses roll me into a hospital room and set me onto the bed. They put a mask over my mouth and the Nitrous Oxide puts me to sleep as they do tests on me.

I wake up, expecting it to be a couple hour later, but it turns out to be one whole day later. The nurses help me out of bed and roll me to the physical therapy. As we pass the ICU unit, I see Maika through the window, and for a second, I swear I saw her twitch.

• • •

"Excuse me nurse? May I go visit someone in ICU? I'm fine enough to go there, right?" I question the nurse that pushes me down the hall back to my room.

"Wouldn't you like to rest?"

"No, I think I'm fine to see this person."

She nods and heads towards my destination. I tell her what room I need to be and she enters Maika's room. Maika lies on the white sheets, still, motionless like she's been these six months.

I guess my mind was playing tricks on me. In my pocket, I brought the flower with me, an Iris this time. I wheel myself over to the side table, avoiding the obstacles and place the flower into the vase with the others.

"Doctor!" The nurse yells and runs out of the room. I turn to Maika and her hands move. Her eyes under her eyelids move slightly until they open all the way, revealing her emerald green eyes.

"Akiyama... Maika.." I mutter.

She's finally awake.

♪ ♪ ♪

Thank you so much for 2.6K reads and +200 votes!! I'm happy that you guys are enjoying this story so far. In the end, there might only be 60-75 (estimated) chapters.

My last couple of chapters have been really short, I'm so sorry... :'( But I'll try to update more frequently.

Please continue to vote and read!


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