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"Maika!!" I yell as she collapses. I kneel down next to her as she lies still, her amber locks covering her face. "Maika, wake up!" I shake her to wake up but she remains unconscious. I pick her up and exit the rink. Skaters gasp at what they see as I set her down on a bench and call the hospital. After the call ends, I glance at Maika and my hands shake.

More people begin to crowd us out of curiosity to see what occurred and whisper amongst themselves. "Give her space! Don't crowd around her!" I shout at the audience. They do as I say since they can tell I'm worried. I sigh and look at Maika as she continues to sleep. Sirens can be heard in the distance and I see the ambulance driving towards us. 

Medics jump out of the truck and I pick up Maika, bringing her over to them. They lay her on a stretcher and bring her into the ambulance as I follow behind. The entire drive to the hospital, I fidget with my hands and stay silent, only hearing the heart monitor beeping to fill the silence.

Once we arrive at the hospital, they carry her out of the back and rush her into the ER. I follow them, but nurses hold me back in the lobby. "Let go of me! I need to go with her!!" I yell.

"Sir, we need Maika to be alone so the doctors can examine her!" One of them explains.

I stop struggling to get free of them and stare at the one nurse. "How do you know her name?"

"Well sir, Maika's a regular patient here. Everyone knows her name."

"Regular patient? She's only been here a couple times! Last time, I was here with her and they said she was fine!"

"I'm sorry but Maika visits the hospital regularly. She comes at least once a month ever since she was a child," The other nurse adds.

I look to the doors, separating us. What aren't you telling me Maika?

 • • •

I sit in the waiting room, my head facing the carpeting. I think of what that old woman said last time I was here waiting for Maika.

"And whoever is out there will survive for you. I can see that they care about them a lot, so they'll live to see you again."

Yeah right.

I know that it's sad to think that, but I can't help it after Kaori passed away. 

The doors fly open and Kousei and Tsubaki sprint towards me. "How is she?!" Tsubaki inquires.

"Do you know how long she'll be here?" Kousei adds.

I breathe in sharply. "I don't know.."

I can hear Kousei pull Tsubaki away from me and whisper to her, "Leave him alone for now."

I ponder to myself, wondering what's wrong with Maika.

Does she have what Kaori was diagnosed? Please no... Please no, I can't loose Maika after Kaori, especially so soon...

The door opens slowly and Maika's mother along with a nurse walks into the visitor's room. I stand up and Tsubaki and Kousei turn to face her. "How is she?" I question.

Her mom sighs. "It'd be better for her to tell you." She pauses and looks at me. "Maika said she wanted to see Watari first."

I nod and exit the room, treading down the hallway until I arrive at her room. I stand outside her closed door. my hand slowly reaching out to the doorknob. I turn it and the door clicks open and I walk inside. Maika lays on the hospital bed, gazing out the window at the starry night sky. 


She sits up and turns to me. "Oh, Watari, you're here." Maika weakly smiles at me and asks, "How are you?"

"Tell me what's wrong." My fists clench up and I ignore her question. "I need answers and I need them now. I won't be blind to see what's truly happening like what I did with Kaori."

"I really thought I could just get better and not have to tell you, that I could just keep it a secret... But that's impossible now." I sit down and she holds her hands together.

"When I was younger before I met you, my father took me to see a ballet. It was Swan Lake." The ballet I took her to. "He got the tickets for my birthday and I was ecstatic because it was my first time to see a ballet. When I saw Swan Lake, it was also during the winter. It was a matinee show and my dad was driving both of us home. While we were driving, a drunk driver sped through his red light and crashed into my dad's car..."

Maika pauses and breathes shakily. "All of us were admitted to the hospital... But my father didn't survive. I was in ICU for months and during that time, the man that crashed into our car was arrested and charged with manslaughter. As for me, I woke up from my coma and met Kaori. We instantly became friends and saw each other in the hospital often and she convinced me to play an instrument while I couldn't dance. When I moved, I stopped playing instruments and started dancing again, making up for lost time and over exerting myself. I thought I was better because, but it was until recently where I discovered I'm diagnosed with a disease called Myasthenia Gravis."

"Is that what Kaori had?"

"No, she had Friedreich's Ataxia. Their symptoms are similar, for example, our muscles become weak until we can't move." She looks up at me. "I wanted to tell you, but I was scared. Sometimes that you would be mad, other times because it would make it too real and I didn't want it to be real. I just wanted to live a normal life, but of course, I'm reaching an end."

"Maika... Please don't say things like that. We would never be mad at you, I just wanted you to tell me because we're wandering in the dark right now. We have no idea what's happening to you and we're scared. You'll live Maika... You have to live."

"I hope so too... Because then I lived a sad life with many regrets."

♪ ♪ ♪  

*says I won't update until the school year ends* *updates two days later while in school* I had no homework since my class is going to Cedar Point tomorrow so I decided to update!


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