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"Ayako," A voice behind me calls out. Before turning around, I can see Ayako's eyes widening and fear being struck upon her. That is when I turn so see who is standing behind me.

A man that looks like he's in his late-twenties stands before both of us. His features look exactly like Ayako's except a male version of her.

"B-brother... What're you doing here?" Ayako stammers.

"I knew you would be fooling around again just because mother and father are busy with work. How many times do I have to boss you around and to focus on your studies?" He questions Ayako in a strict tone.

"I'm not fooling around Akio.. I-"

"I'm sorry but who are you?" I interrupt. I guess I unintentionally sounded rude, so the man named Akio glares at me.

"I'm Ayako's older brother, Suzuki Akio." He introduces himself. "I apologize if Ayako wasted your time with this hobby of hers."

"Brother! I'm-"

"You should be studying, not wasting your time like this. Just because mother and father are busy with their jobs doesn't mean you can waste your time like this." Akio raises his voice at her and Ayako steps back.

"'Waste your time?' Did you see Ayako on that stage, giving her best performance? Ayako isn't at your command, even if she is younger than you. She has her own life to live and she can do this without you yelling at her, making her feel like she's making a mistake, which she isn't."

Akio stares at me in disbelief and disgust. "Well then, Ayako, I'll be leaving now." He turns and leaves us alone.

"M-Maika... I can't believe you just did that.." Ayako stutters.

"Of course, you don't have to follow Akio's demands. If you have a rough time with him, I'll always be here."

Always? Maybe, maybe not. I hope I will be though...

♪ ♪ ♪

I'm back~~ but I'm sick :'( I saw RENT today and right before I felt like throwing up which wasn't​ good...


Secrets Of Spring  | Shigatsu Wa Kimi No Uso ;; Watari Ryota |Where stories live. Discover now