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Three Weeks Later

Weeks have gone by as I've been in therapy to go back to normal. When I was younger, I remember the struggles I went through during my weeks of recovery, and I'll gladly do it again to be better.

Watari, Tsubaki, and Kousei come to visit me after therapy and we all talk. Watari and Tsubaki play around but I yell at them to behave so they don't break anything. Kousei seems quiet and distant from all of us, although I try to include him.

"I'm gonna go see what they have in the vending machines," Tsubaki says and stands up. She runs to Watari's school bag and snatches his wallet from inside. "Thanks for paying!!" She giggles and sprints out the door.

"Come back here!!" Watari yells and chases after her.

Kousei and I are left alone in silence.

"I'm sorry," I apologize. "I know that it's hard for me to survive and not Kaori... I wish it was me instead-"

"Don't say that," Kousei interrupts. "No one wanted either of you to leave, but you're still here and we're all grateful,"

"But you loved her,"

"Imagine if Watari lost you too. Yeah he liked Kaori, but he loves you. Him losing two of the people that he's romantically attracted to would be devastating for him." He sighs and looks to the tile flooring. "I miss Kaori, but I wouldn't want you to die instead."

Tsubaki and Watari come back into the room with drinks and snacks while Watari has a frown plastered onto his face since Tsubaki took his wallet.

"Maika," My mom knocks on the door and slides it open.

"Hi Ms. Akiyama!" My friends greet cheerfully.

"Hello," She responds then directs her attention to me again. "You got a letter from the Russian Ballet School in Italy,"

Shoot, I forgot to tell them that I'm not going anymore,

"I'll look at it later," I reply.

"Alright, but don't take too long, they need a response soon,"

"What?" I take the letter from my mom and open it to read the text.

Maika Akiyama,

Hello, this is the school board of the Russian Ballet School. We're aware that you've won the contest to study at our academy for the first semester and we've reviewed your past performances. The headmaster will allow you to audition to be permanently transferred to the academy for your high school years. When you receive this letter, please send us a response of what your decision is.
Thank you.

Russian Ballet School board

My eyes widen at what I've read and the paper slowly slips from my fingertips, onto my lap.

"What is it?" Tsubaki asks.

I remain speechless, trying to process what I've just read. Watari takes the letter and the three read it to themselves.

"Do you want to go?" Tusbaki questions me.

"I... Would I be able to dance?"

"The doctors said that if you continue with therapy here and in Italy, you can join the school, but you would still have to be careful." My mom explains.

My friends leave to do their homework and to let me think. Different possibilities arise in my mind as I think of my future. I already took my entrance exams for high school and all of the school's accepted me. If I stayed, I wouldn't know what my future would be because I've been so focused on dance. If I went to Italy, I would already be on track to my dream.

"What do you think you'll do?" My mother asks.

"I... I need more time to think..."

• • •

One week later, I'm discharged from the hospital and I return home. Graduation is already upon us and I'm grateful that I kept up with my school work while staying at the hospital or else I would've had to take summer school.

The graduation ceremony doesn't take long and afterward, a lot of people cry since they'll part with their friends. Kousei, Tsubaki, and Watari already know where they're going to high school. Kousei will attend a prestigious music academy, Tsubaki applied for a school not too far from Kousei's (for obvious reasons), and Watari is going to a private school where the sports department is ranked first in Japan.

Whereas I'm still undecided.

We all sit on a bench, on a bridge and watch the sunset from our seat. Kousei has bought all of us popsicles since he lost the rock, paper, scissors to all of us. The road and traffic can be heard distinctly in the back but the chirping of crickets overpowers. Ducks swim down the stream and dragonflies zoom past them.

"This is the last time we'll be like this..." Tsubaki speaks up.

I stop eating and bring my hands down to my lap, clenching the fabric of my dress with my hands. "I made up my mind," I say. The three look at me and I inhale. "I want to go to Italy..."

"I'm going to accept their offer to attend the academy for high school," I glance at their faces and their expressions stay the same. "I'm sorry, I really don't want to abandon you guys but-"

"You don't need to apologize," Kousei says.

"If this is what you want, then we support you, but we'll miss you," Tsubaki tears up and embraces me tightly.

Watari stays silent for the rest of the time until we all part to go home. Watari and I walk side by side back home. I hold my shoes by the heel and tread in my socks. "You're not mad, are you?" I ask. "If you are, I'll stay."

"Then I'll be mad at myself more than I am at you..." Watari pauses and stops walking. "I don't want to be the one holding you back to this place when you're meant for so much more." He holds my hands and sighs. "I... I have to let you go."

♪ ♪ ♪

Happy Thanksgiving!! The last chapter (I'm being serious this time) is going to be the next one. I'll try to finish before my break ends!

Rachel ♡

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