Chapter Five

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"I should head back home now," Kaori says.

"Really? Can't you stay a bit longer?" Watari asks.

"I wish I could, but my parents will worry," Kaori replies. "Hey, Maika! Wanna come with? My parents will be thrilled to see you again!"

"Yeah sure!" I respond.

"Okay, then, bye guys!!" Tsubaki yells as we walk away.

As we leave Towa Hall, the cherry blossom petals dance in the wind around us. "So how've you been ever since I last saw you?" She asks.

"Okay I guess, what about you?"

"Same. But I can see that you're not okay right now. What's wrong?"

I sigh and start to explain. "It's just that..." Should I tell her? It's been ages since we've seen each other, I would hate if a guy was what ruined our reunion. I breathe in and continue, changing what I was going to say. "I never knew a guy like Watari was your type," I chuckle. "What about him do you like?

"Well... He's really cute and super funny! His personality drew me to him," Kaori explains.

"Same here," I mumble. "I always thought you'd go for an artist or a musician, someone that you can connect to through music,"

She cocks her head and raises her eyebrows. "Really?" She pauses briefly and then smiles. "Well, I guess fate had different plans for my love life!"

And I guess fate never thought he and I were compatible...

"Anyways, what really is on my mind is the dance competition I'm in. I wanted to do Red Shoes but they're asking me to change my song. I have to replan everything and submit another application, what am I going to do now?!" I yell in frustration.

She laughs. "You'll figure it out, I'm sure you will!"

"Thanks," I say and turn on my phone. It opens to the recording I took of Kaori today and a lightbulb turns on in my mind. "Hey, is it okay if I use the song that you did today?" I ask.

"Yeah, I don't see why not. I can record it for you as an official studio version," Kaori says.

"Thanks! This will be great!!"

"I'm sure it will be!!" Kaori cheers as we walk to a bakery. "I wonder if my parents will recognize you, I mean you look completely different." She opens the door to the shop and I see her parents behind the counter.

"Hi, Kaori! How was the contest?" Her mom asks.

"It was great! I passed the preliminary round!" Kaori asks.

"That's terrific! And who is this?" Her dad inquires.

"Take a guess!" Kaori grins and pushes me forward.

"Hm... Wait, is it really you Maika?!" Her mom questions.

I smile and respond. "Long time no see, Mrs. Miyazono!"

She runs out from behind the counter and hugs me. "Oh my goodness, Maika! I never thought we would see you again!" She exclaims. "And you've grown into such a beautiful girl! I'm sure all the guys like you,"

I laugh, but it is true. The only guy that I like doesn't like me back though. I brush my other problems aside as we reminisce about the past and stuff ourselves with pastries. After an hour or two, my mom calls me to come home.

"It was great seeing you again! Don't hesitate to visit!!" Kaori and her mom say as I call out as I walk out.

Secrets Of Spring  | Shigatsu Wa Kimi No Uso ;; Watari Ryota |Where stories live. Discover now