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Ten Years Ago

Snowflakes gently fall onto my scarf and stick to the yarn material. My parents hold my hand as we walk through the automatic opening door to enter the hospital. My mother leans down to brush the snow out of my hair and I take off my scarf. "Let's go before we're late for your appointment," 

We continue walking inside and stop at the front desk. I look around the lobby and hold on to my father's hand as they both ask which floor to go up to. Sirens can be heard and multiple ambulances stop in front of the entrance. Assistants rush out the doors to help them bring in the patients. Two men on stretchers are brought in. Both are bleeding a lot with bruises and cuts decorating their bodies, and they have oxygen masks over their faces. 

The last stretcher they bring in has a small girl. She looks about the same age as me. The doctors pull back her short brown hair to bandage the bleeding gash on the side of her head. They rush her to the emergency room and the doors then close.

"Poor girl... She's only a child," My dad comments.

"Level three? Thank you, let's go." My mom says and pulls me towards the elevator, but I continue to stare at the door on the other side of the lobby, where the girl went through.

• • •

Three months​ later, we go to the hospital again for my monthly checkup to see if I'm doing well.

As I pass the ICU unit, I see the girl from three months ago lying in the hospital bed behind glass walls, hooked up to machines by wires, motionless.

I quickly read the sign outside her room and it says, Akiyama Maika.

After my checkup, my parents continue talking to the doctor in private. I go outside ICU and look at the girl.

"Excuse me!" I call out to a nurse that just exited her room.

She stops and turns to face me. "Yes miss?"

"I was just wondering who that girl is," I ask.

"Oh, Akiyama," She looks through the glass with me. "She's been in here for three months. Back in January, her and her father got into a car accident when a drunk driver crashed into them." The nurse explains.

I gasp and cover my mouth. "That's terrible.."

"She's been here ever since, but her father died in the hospital." The nurse sighs. "Since that day, Akiyama has been in a coma." Someone calls out for the nurse and she quickly leaves.

Three months​... Only to wake up without a father...

• • •

A week later, I come back to the hospital on my own to visit the girl. She's still in a coma, resting and motionless. I bring with me a small bundle of flowers and enter her room.

After opening the door, I slowly tread inside, my footsteps the only noise in the room. I place the flowers into a vase and write a letter to Maika.


Hello! You don't know me, but I see you whenever I come to the hospital. Even though we don't know each other, let's talk more when you wake up! I'm praying for you to wake up soon.

-Miyazono Kaori

♪ ♪ ♪

Next chapters are gonna be flashbacks so you know exactly how they met


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