Chapter Fourteen

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After our discussion with the doctor finishes, he bids us goodbye and then leaves to tend to his other patients. I lean back into my pillow and sigh, my mom looking at me and taking note of my actions.

"You really are your father's daughter," She comments.

"What?" My mom has never talked about my dad ever since the accident, she would always change the subject when I or anyone else asked. It pained her too much, but what prompted her to say something now of all times?

"I never told you how your father and I met, have I?" I shake my head in response. "We met back in high school, during the school play,"

My ears perk up. "You did theatre?" I never imagined my mom to be that kind of person that was interested in the performing arts.

She nods. "Yeah, honestly, I did it because I really liked your dad back then. I wanted to get to know him better and hopefully become closer to him. He loved theatre, he was always the lead role in every production since he was young and he really shone like a star, I think that's what drew me to him,"

"What about you? Were you any good?" I ask.

My mom lets out a laugh at the memory of her old performances, I'm assuming. "Hah! I don't think I was, but your dad insisted I was good. He said I had the voice of an angel, but I knew he was playing it up. From then, we spent a lot of time together, bonding on and offstage,"

"I don't remember any of this about dad when he was alive, if he was so passionate about theatre, why didn't he do it?"

Her expression becomes somber, her gaze falling from mine. "When we were in college, we started thinking more seriously about our future. I knew theatre wasn't for me so I studied business, that's the field I was always going for anyways. I wanted to support him and whoever came along so that they could do whatever they wanted in life. I didn't mind being on the sidelines, I just wanted to see your dad shine. The thing is, your dad had the same idea as me. He always wanted to become a professional actor and he told me that he never thought he would find love and that he always thought he would support himself through life. But when he met me and when we talked about having a family in the future, he realized that a career in acting might not be enough for us. No matter how much I tried to talk him back into the performing arts, he refused and went into computer science, the complete opposite of what his dream was,"

"Computer science? Why that? Was he any good?"

"The thing about your dad is that he can do anything if he set his mind to it. He was motivated because of us, so he quickly learned and was at the top of his class,"

"That's... Amazing,"

"I know, right? I took coding one time for a prereq in college and your dad was the one that saved me from failing,"

"When we had you and when you took an interest in dance, your father was so excited. He told me that he'll support you no matter what and make sure you accomplish your dreams--he wanted you to have the life he never got, even if he denied it so many times when I asked him,"

I look down at my hands. "I... Never knew that he was like that,"

"He had this firey passion that I've never seen in my life until you were born," My mom places her hand on mine and I look up to meet her eyes. "Whenever I look at you, I see your father. You resemble him so much," Tears well in her eyes and I pull her into a hug. She sniffles into my shoulder and I do the same. "I'll always be here for you, Maika, we'll get through this together and I'll support you just like your father would have,"

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