Chapter Seventeen

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I head back into the auditorium and find Tsubaki, Kaori, and Watari in their seats. I sit down and the house lights dim, alerting the audience that the competition is about to commence. While the first three contestants perform, Watari drifts to sleep and almost snores loudly until I cover his mouth with my hand.

"How did I know that he would fall asleep?" I ask myself.

As the third performer walks off the stage, I check to see who's up next.

Aiza Takeshi

"I wonder if he's good..."

As soon as he walks on stage, the air becomes still and the crowd hushes. "Woah, just him coming out makes everyone go silent?"

"Of course, he was the champion in last year's Meiho competition. He was even invited to a contest in Europe but he denied the invitation." Kaori explains.

"So he's that good, huh..."

He sits down on the stool and pauses right before he plays. The instant he presses the keys, Aiza demands the attention of everyone in the hall listening. His fingers are swift across the keyboard, sparing no time for mistakes to be made. Despite my weakened heart, I can feel the beat of his Chopin make my heart follow his tempo. I'm practically on the edge of my seat, just like everyone else. His performance finally wakes Watari from his sleep and he begins to pay attention as well. Aiza plays with a pounding desperation, each note is a cry for help ask if he wants someone to hear him. Who could he be calling for? Why does he play like he'll lose when he's on a completely different level? Who wouldn't be captivated by his performance?

The last note rings throughout the auditorium, leaving everyone stunned. The audience roars with cheers and applauds. I also applaud and smile. His performance was beyond perfect, I'm not gonna lie. He truly poured his blood, sweat, and tears into that piano and made it his own.

"Attention, we will now have a fifteen minute intermission," Someone over the P.A. announces.

I go to the bathroom and open my purse. Pills and medication fill the inside and I unscrew the cap off the water bottle in my bag. The doctor also prescribed some medication to help slow down the progression of the disease but I try not to take them too often. If I become too dependent, then they'll actually make my bones weaker too it just seems like I'm losing no matter what. After taking all the pills I'm supposed to, I take a drink of water, swallow and then look in the mirror.

"Should I do the operations?" I question myself while starting at my reflection.

These last couple weeks have been torture for me. Practicing was all I did so now that I've stopped, it feels like I've shut down. Sometimes when I sit or stand waiting in line for something, I find myself doing dégagés and rond de jambes.

I've been debating whether or not to go through with the surgery yet though. There are so many risks in going through with it, I might be worse afterward. None of them fix the main problem too, it makes me think "what's the point then if I can't bee healthy again?"

I push the thought out of my head and head back into the auditorium. I'm here for Kousei, just focus on that and be a good supporting friend. When I sit down, Watari stares at the playbill, focusing hard.

I look over his shoulder and see Emi's school photo. "What a cutie!!" He exclaims.

"Of course he just sees what's on the outside. How did I fall for someone so shallow?" I think to myself. But then again, he is a pretty sweet guy sometimes.

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