Chapter Eight

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The words of the doctor echo in my head as I drag my feet out of the hospital.

Myotonic Muscular Dystrophy.

Why that of all things?

As I exit the hospital, the floodgates burst open and tears fall out of my eyes as I sob uncontrollably. Patients, visitors, and workers watch me as I shake, almost falling to the ground but I make it to the bus station at least and sit on the bench. I desperately wipe my tears with the sleeves of my shirt until they're soaked and can't be absorbed anymore.

After ten minutes, I decide not to go to Kaori's competition and head home. I mean, look at the state I'm in, I wouldn't be presentable at all. When I open the door to my home, I run upstairs to my room and collapse on my bed. My tears stream down my cheeks and stain my pillow.

"It's my fault!! It's my fault that the accident happened, it's my fault that my dad's dead, it's my fault that I'm like this... Why can't something go right for once?!" I scream. I gasp for air, trying to stop myself from crying, but it's no use. My heart aches as I cry and the salty tears continue to rush down my face. I don't think it'll ever stop.


I peddle as fast as I can back to Maika's house to tell her what happened to Kaori. "I hope she's okay.." As I arrive at her house, I get off the bike and run up to her door. As I knock on it, the door slowly opens. "Why wasn't it closed?"

I head inside and see her black boots strewn on the floor, leading upstairs. I skip the steps and run to her room. "Maika!! There's--" I start to say when I hear crying on the other side of the door. "Maika? What's wrong? Open the door, please!"

"Please, just leave me alone..." She yells back, her voice breaking.

"No! I'm not gonna leave you. Just tell me what's wrong!!"

"Why are you even here? Aren't you supposed to be with Kaori?" She asks and I freeze. Something happened to Kaori and I needed to tell Maika. But, is now really the time? What's going on with Maika?

"Forget about Kaori right now, I'm here for you. What's going on, you weren't at school today, and Tsubaki said you were at the hospital? What's that about?!"


I stomp towards the door and swing it open. Watari steps back with shock on his face and brings his hand down to his side. "Just... Just..." I stutter and fall into his chest.

"Maika... Are you okay?" He asks and wraps his arms around me.

"I... I don't wanna talk about it." I respond.

"Maika, if you don't wanna talk about it that's fine. But I just want you to know that I'll always be here for you and if later you want to tell me, I'll listen."

"Thank you, Watari... Now isn't the right time, but when it is, I'll explain everything."

• • •

The next day after school, Kousei, Watari, Tsubaki, and I go to the hospital to visit Kaori. This morning, they told me what happened while I was at the hospital during Kaori's show. That's probably why Watari came to see me yesterday, to tell me what happened to Kaori, not because of what happened to me.

Before we walk into her room, my phone chimes and I take my phone out to respond.

I suddenly hear a shriek and I look up and see Kaori shirtless and her hair covering her back. "Haven't you ever heard of knocking?!" The nurse yells annoyed.

"Delete that memory!!" Tsubaki yells and kicks Kousei and Watari's heads and they fall to the ground.

"The five minutes I don't have my shirt on!! Why me?!!" Kaori screams.

• •

"It really took us for a turn when we heard you got hospitalized," Tsubaki comments.

"My dad is such a drama llama; they're taking tests to make sure I'm okay. I'm fine," Kaori reassures.

"Are you sure?" I question. I give Kaori a stern expression but she still smiles like always.

"Why would you say that?" Tsubaki asks.

"... No reason. Just thinking out loud..." I reply and stare out the window. I start to tune the rest of them out as Tsubaki and Watari beat Kousei up. The gray cloudy sky and the hospital room remind me of that unforgettable day.

"We should get going; don't wanna wear out our welcome right?" Tsubaki says.

"No way! I'm spending the night!!" Watari exclaims.

As Tsubaki pushes Watari out the door, I follow them as they walk out. "So, Maika, since Tsubaki won't let me spend the night here, are you going home now?" Watari asks.

"I actually wanted to talk to Kaori. I'll see you later," I say. The three of the wave goodbye as they enter the elevator.

I go back into Kaori's hospital room and sit on the chair at the foot of her bed. "I'm sorry that I didn't go to your competition." I apologize.

"It's nothing to worry about! Anyways, what did the doctors say?" She asks.

I look down at my hands in my lap as a single tear lands on my palm. "I have a disease that's killing my muscles. When I grow up, I won't be able to move. Even more, the muscle degeneration is impacting my heart and my lungs..." I look up and she has a serious expression on her face.

"I thought your symptoms were from the accident, how'd they find this out?"

"The crash was so long ago and my symptoms kept getting worse so they figured that there was something else wrong with me... And there was,"

Kaori shakes her head. "There's nothing wrong with you,"

"Yes, there is," I abruptly cut her off. "How can I be a dancer with muscles that are failing me?" I blink back the tears in my eyes. "How do you do it, Kaori? How do you go through life, knowing that there's something wrong with you and slowly killing you?"

She shakes her head. "I can't tell you how to live Maika. Truthfully, it's hard for all of us. Those who are sick like us and those who aren't. But what we do is stand up against these troubles and keep on living. Are you planning on quitting dance?"

I freeze. I haven't thought about it. "I don't know. I don't want to make that decision..."

"Well, if you do stop dancing, make sure that you give your last performance everything. Let it be the most beautiful and free dance everyone has ever seen. It doesn't matter what the judges think because if you dance like that, no one will ever forget you. I'll never forget you."

♪ ♪ ♪

I was so sad when half of the chapter was erased (TT)

But the part that was deleted, I made it better so I'm not sad anymore

Anyways, today's my birthday!! I'm going to be updating throughout the day because I'm going to be doing things with my family but I promise to update at least three times.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

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