Rookie ( c h a p t e r 1 )

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I cursed under my breath as the alarm clock screamed from the side of my bed. I held myself up by my shoulders, grunting as I walked towards the bathroom to get ready for the day.

I quickly showered, ten minutes passed and I was out. Once I dryed myself with my towel and let my brown hair hang a bit below my shoulders, I threw on my uniform. A white blouse, a navy tie and a matching mid thigh skirt with loafer type shoes. Honestly, it was hideous. My mother insisted I got a size smaller to hug my features better, and I agreed. I wasn't the type of person who worried about my appearance. All I simply did was make myself look decent, and go to school to earn straight A's.

Once I finished dressing myself, I brushed my teeth and then applied just a bit of mascara before running down the stairs to find pancakes on a plate.

"Good-morning Madison" Mum greeted me with a smile and while I took a seat, smiling at her then consuming the warm pancakes, which by the way tasted delicious. I studied my mothers features as she paced around the kitchen in her work attire holding a mug that said "#1 Mum" on it. She had a frown planted on her lips and wrinkles which rested on her forehead. You could begin to see the little white hairs form on her roots, especially since she had hair black as night. She was thin- which is probably where I get my looks from, along with my short body.

"Good-morning sweetheart" Dad planted a kiss on the top of my head.

"Morning dad." I said, getting up from the chair to bring my now empty plate to the sink to wash.

"Off to school so early?" Mom asked me.

"I've got some extra studying to do. I'll see you later guys" I waved goodbye to them both before I picked up my backpack and ran out the door. I normally walked to school, considering the school was fifteen minutes away. I heard a car's engine speed by, only catching a slight glimpse of the very own, Luke and Jai Brooks.

They were known as the Brooks Babes at school. Every girl wanted to be with them. Jai had finally settled down to some dumb girl, while Luke would never. He had been with every single girl in the school, minus me of course. There was always some new girl every period, every day. 

When I got to school, I caught up with Katie my best friend. She was talking to Mallory, who was also my best friend. They both had also hooked up with Luke.

"Hey Madz" They both said in-sync as we all let out giggles.

"Hey guys." We made our way to our lockers, which was all next to each others. As I opened mine, I began to hear a faint moan. I looked over at Katie and raised my eyebrows. Katie nodded in the direction behind me and when I turned around to look it was Luke Brooks which was, of course, making out with some blonde girl as he rubbed his hands up her skirt.

I scrunched my nose up in disgust before turning around to retrieve my school books. Mallory has been in love with Jai for longer then I could remember. She thought that by getting with Luke, she'd be able to sneak her way with Jai, but she was too late. Jai was already taken.

I was used to this kind of PDA, especially if it was from him. All three of us walked right by him as Katie cleared her throat. Luke's motions stopped as he turned around, giving us a death stare.

"Ooh I'm so scared." I whispered to Mallory. Luke turned around rolled his eyes at me as I blushed, not intending to have Luke hear and my friends laughed.

We all said our goodbyes to each other as I walked into my first class, literature. Jai was in the class with me, along with his princess of a girlfriend- funny thing too, her name was actually Princess.

I decided to sit in the front row, so I could hear the teacher lecture better. I was a straight A student, but I wasn't what some people would consider a "nerd".

The teacher stood up- making her way to the front of the classroom.

"Today we're starting Romeo and Juliet. Take out your books and read to page 132. Quiz tomorrow" I guess I forgot to mention, I took an advanced literature class.

When the bell rung, I gathered my books together and made my way to my second period, science. Today I knew we would be getting lab partners. I hoped it would me Katie or Mal since they had the class with me.

When I walked in, I greeted my two friends with a smile and complained about my literature class as they complained about their math class.

"Goodmorning students, take your seats" Her high-pitched voice echoed through the room as I took my seat by Princess, we both had almost every class together.

"Hey Madz" she said as I forced a smile. "So Jai got me this bracelet, and it says love and I like don't think I know what he's trying to like tell me, do you like know what I mean?" Everything that came out of that poor girl's mouth was shit. I tried to hold in my laughter.

"No Princess, I don't think I do. Maybe you should just ask him." She always told me everything that happened with her and Jai. It was always about herself, all the time. I didn't mind, I didn't have anything to say anyways.

"So, last night while I was like at his house, Luke was there too and he had two girls in his like room and like they were all moaning and like I totally think he like got some."

"Sounds interesting, why didn't you join?" I sarcastically said as she didn't get the message that I was trying to listen to what Ms. C was trying to say.

"Silly, I have a boyfriend, his name is like Jai!" She giggled as I hushed her.

"As promised, you'll be getting new lab partners. Katie- you get to sit with Ben. Jamie with Kenny, Mallory with Jacob, Tom with Scott, Manning with Pat, Elle with Princess, and Jordan with Kaylie." Before she could finish off, Luke stormed into class. "Glad you could make it Mr. Brooks. Don't take a seat just yet, anyone's name I didn't call?" I raised my hand. "Mr. Brooks, you'll be partners with Madison."

I could not believe what I had just heard. I would have to spend the next year sitting next to the bad boy, Luke. Good girls aren't supposed to do anything with bad boys, not even school work. He walked towards me with a smirk planted across his face. I rolled my eyes in disgust as he slammed his books down on the table and took a seat next to me. He grunted while he sat down.

"Look, I don't want to do this just as much as you don't. So let's just make it easier and let me do the work?" 

"Sounds fine by me." He rolled his eyes as I sighed.

"Hope everyone is happy with their partners. I will not be moving anyone for the rest of the year, so get acquainted." Ms. C said as her sharp voiced pierced my ears. "First assignment will be passed around. We will not have time to work on this in class. Turn it in this Wednesday." I sighed once more, knowing I would be having to do all of the work.

When the bell rung, we both practically jumped out of our seats. I walked over to Katie and Mallory.

"Did he say anything?" Mallory asked.

"I don't think grunting counts." I shook my head as we all went to our lockers to get our books for the next class.


Lunch was right around the corner. After Marketing, I went to my locker to get my brown lunch bag and put my books away, it was causing my back to ache.

The hallways were always full when it was lunch time. I stared at my feet and thought about what books I would need for the science assignment when suddenly I was on the floor.

"What the fuck" A familiar voice said. "Watch where you're fucking going, would you?" I looked up, and there he was. The inafamous Luke Brooks.

"Sorry." I said, picking my books up.

"Whatever" he rubbed his leg from where his pants were dirty from falling and walked away. What a jerk.  

I, Madison Brandon hated Luke Brooks.

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