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I woke up with a smile on my face and my mother towering over me, again.

"It's 10 a.m! You have very few hours to get ready, go shower!" I did as I was told and when I got out, my dress, shoes and jewelry were sprawled out on my bed, ready to be worn.

"We'll start with your hair, then move to your makeup, then we can go to your dress, alright? Go go go!" my mother threw my a white robe and I slipped it on.

The rest of the day I spent with my mother as she primped.

By the time I was finished, I looked like a completely different person. My usual boring brown hair was curled into luscious waves, my makeup perfectly done with a smokey eye and a huge amount of mascara. My lips had nude lipstick on them and my cheeks were a bright, natural looking pink. I wore huge silver pendants, along with my necklace. My dress was perfect, it was down to my feet, which hid my white pumps and it made me look like a princess when I walked.

"You look...beautiful." I smiled at her and hugged her, my perfume consuming her. 

"Thanks mom. For helping me choose the right dress, for doing my makeup and doing my hair and just being a mom. I love you" She had tears in her eyes which made me giggle. "C'mon, don't cry."

"I can't help it. I'm sorry your father has to miss seeing you look so beautiful. He's been busy at work lately."

"I understand mom." Once she took a few pictures, she drove me over to Luke's and Katie and Mallory had already been there. Katie wore a gold body-con dress down to her feet which became wavy at the bottom with gold pumps. Her makeup was perfectly done as well and her hair was up in a bun. James matched with his suit, wearing a gold tie and I smiled at how nicely they looked together. Mallory wore a red dress which ended at the ground, kind of like mine but it had straps and she had a white fur coat over it, she was always one for fur coats. She was fixing Jai's red tie and he looked at her like how no one's ever looked at me.

"You're here! Luke's still getting ready!" Gina came to greet me and her eyes scanned down my dress and she touched my hair. "Wow, you look beautiful. Don't tell Luke I said this, but he's been so nervous today, it's adorable." my mother giggled beside me and I couldn't help but laugh as well. 

"Mum, have you seen my-" His mouth was wide open as he stared at me and didn't finish the sentence. "You look..wow." I smiled and walked up to him.

"You look wow too Luke." He was wearing just a button up shirt and the top two buttons were undone. Sure, he wasn't wearing a tie but he cleaned up well, and I admit, he looks good.

"For once I'm not seeing you in your school uniform or a short dress. I- you look amazing." I smiled at how he speechless and our little moment was interrupted by Gina's yelling at us to get together  for a photo. 

"Huddle together, hold your dates, that's right." She screamed and I laughed at how sweet she was being. Gina was always sweet, even though we've had only a few encounters.

And after our little photo shoot, off we were to the formal.


 We all walked in together, eyes on us since we walked in with the two players of the school plus their friends, James and Daniel.

"Oh god, everyone's staring." I tried to hide behind Luke but he wouldn't allow me too, keeping his hand on my back the entire time, guiding me through.

"Everyone's looking because you look beautiful." Luke's raspy voice whispered in my ear, his hot breath making me shiver. I gulped, not knowing how to react and what to say, so I just smiled at him.

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