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Hey guys so as you know I went away for two weeks on vacation but I'm finally back! I'm in the process of updating my next chapter, I've just got to add a bit more and revise then it'll be up soon! Also I made this other account on wattpad in which I had planned on creating a different story but I decided to just upload it on here instead.

So basically it's just a new story, but it isn't fan fiction it's just teen fiction in which I like to write about. I believe that my stories aren't going to be fan fiction anymore just teen fiction but I know i'll probably end up changing my mind so that's why I just want to keep it all on one account.

The story "Mischievous" kind of has the same plot as Rookie so if you like Rookie you'll enjoy the new story. Once I finish Rookie, i'll update more chapters of Mischievous! 

Sorry this isn't an update, but there will be one very soon!


Rookie (Luke Brooks)Where stories live. Discover now