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Luke's POV:

I had a whole 15 minute drive to think. If you're thinking I chickened out on telling Madison I liked her, wrong. It made me only realize I didn't. We kissed in the heat of the moment, and that's it. I got a text from Jai telling me about a party tonight. I called Candice, her and I were always on and off. We we never were actually together, we were just there for each other to help pass the time.

When I got home I changed into a white t-shirt and plaid button up which I had left unbuttoned with jeans. It was always what I wore, my collection of plaid was bigger then any rich girls collection of prada shoes. (Not really)

I told Jai I'd meet him at the party, not leaving any room for discussion. I had a few hours to kill time and what better way to do so with Candice.

Madisons POV:

"Tell me!" Mallory said.

"Fine fine. We kissed last night. That's all. It was really late you were all passed out and I heard the door open."

"Was it good?" Katie asked.

God how could I tell them that it was amazing? How could I say I loved it and wanted more of it. "It was fine."

"Fine? Just fine?" Katie asked while smirking. She obviously knew it was more than just fine.

I sighed. "Fine, it not just fine. It was amazing. Better?" If they only knew. 

"Oh please, you're blushing. You like him. YOU TOTALLY LIKE HIM." Mallory yelled.

"As if. He's a major jerk. The only reason I'm remotely close to blushing is because I just had my first kiss, what do you expect?"

"Excuses excuses." Mallory had said.

The girls left shortly after our discussion of my first kiss and I had decided to spend the rest of my Saturday with my lovely laptop. 

"There's a party tonight? You up for it?" It was a text from Jai. I was completely okay with spending the rest of my night in bed on tumblr and watching movies like Clueless.

"Sounds good I guess." I knew that Jai had probably already asked Mallory to go in which she invited Katie, so I might as well go and enjoy my night.

"We'll pick you up at 8." 

I realized that it was already 7 and decided to hop in the shower. Considering that I never dress nice, I decided to take this to advantage and make myself look a bit nicer than my usual days. I owned only a few dresses, all being black. I got out the most simplest one I had- a black skater dress. My shoes consisted of the only heels I'd owned, if they would really be considered heels. Classic nude pumps. I was never one to wear anything tall and extravagant. With my hair, I simply straightened it and put it half up, and with my makeup, I put on some top liquid eyeliner and a few coats of mascara and I was ready. 

It was 8 and I heard a horn outside. I grabbed my purse and phone and walked out. I was surprised to see that instead of Luke driving, it was Beau. Luke was actually no where to be found.

"Hey guys." Mallory and Katie were already in the car. Jai was front seat, Daniel and James were in the back and the girls were in the middle.

"Damn girl, looking fine!" It was Katie. It was weird for them to see me dressed like this, I was usually in t-shirt and jeans or my school uniform or simple blouses. 

"Thank you." I was rarely ever invited to parties. It didn't ever bother me either because I knew I wouldn't do anything crazy or weird. 

"So where did you say Luke was again?" A voice from behind asked, guessing it was Daniel. 

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