c h a p t e r 2 0

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Part 1

Madison's POV:

"Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me." We all sang.

"Infect me with your love and fill me with your poison." Luke sang at the top of his lungs which made all of us laugh harder.

"You're awful." I told Luke but he stuck out his lower lip and pouted.

"Let's leave the singing for the pros, shall we." Jai said while pretending to brush something off his shoulder. I rolled my eyes and so did Mallory as she shoved him. "Watch it, this is precious cargo." He said pointing to his pants which earned him another shove and a laugh from Luke.

"Okay guys we're almost there." Luke said and I was honestly so excited. I loved the way Luke described it to me and you could already see the little shops on the side with an ice cream shop that looked like it's been there for years. "Alright, here we are." He announced while we parked in front of the cottage that I had exactly pictured it as.

Now before you get excited, no it didn't have glass windows and modernized doors. It was simple, blue little house that stood directly on the beach, normal front porch with the door facing the ocean ahead. When you walked in, you could see how the house was divided. It was a total of four rooms and three bathrooms. One bathroom resided by the living room area along with the kitchen with an old blue stove matching the color of the house. The living room was a bit more modernized with clichè tree prints on the couch and a wooden coffee table that had a lamp and a few magazines.

The rooms were all identical. Yellow walls with a brown bed spread and windows that overlooked the side view of the sea along with the other houses that were nearby and the people that were happily playing and running around. It had a wardrobe, a bathroom for each two rooms to share. Once you walk past the living room, you find a door which leads to the backyard. You'd think the backyard would face the beach and the front door would face the little down but it's the other way around.

Long story short, the house was perfect for us all to be in and I knew it'd be great.

"Alright ladies settle down lets bring the luggage to the rooms." James said as he tried to calm Mal and Katie down. I stood there quietly, not wanting to get in the way. Luke was at his car unloading the luggage and I decided to go over and hep him.

"I can take my stuff." I told him while flashing him a quick smile.

"It's fine, I got it for you." He told me while taking the extremely heavy bag out of my hand.

"Luke seriously, it's fine." I told him again, this time with a stronger tone. It was nice that he wanted to help me, it was but I could do things on my own. The last thing I needed was to get dependent on Luke for little things such as carrying a bag to my room.

Once I finally argued with Luke and got him to let me take my stuff, I brought it to the room I assumed I'd be staying in. They all looked the same, so I didn't think it mattered who got which room. I didn't know who I would room with, but I know that Mal would probably want to room with Jai, Katie would probably want to room with James, leaving me with the decision of rooming with Luke, Daniel or Beau. I was comfortable with them both, but not so much with Luke.

I'm not even sure why I mean we slept in the same room last night on different beds, plus he told me he didn't like me anyway which I still wasn't over- classic me isn't it.

"Hey" Luke opened the door which scared my thoughts away.

"Hi Luke." I greeted while moving my bag to the bed so that I could unpack. Even though we were staying for only two days, I had to have everything unpacked.

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