c h a p t e r 7

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Of course this would happen to me. Of course I would meet a cool guy that's best friend is Luke. Luke smirked and Daniel just looked confused. James turned to face me with a puzzled expression on his face.

"You know them?"

"This just happens to be who dragged me to the party." I told him, pointing at Luke. James couldn't help but laugh, obviously remembering the words I had said earlier about Luke. I took a seat on the couch next to Luke as he rolled his eyes. He stunk of alcohol and I had only been gone for half an hour.

"Luke I wanna go home." I told him. I hadn't signed up for this, to be surrounded by drunken idiots on a Sunday afternoon.

"You agreed to let me show you what fun is. I'm not finished." He said, standing up straight. He had a lot to drink yet he hadn't at all seemed the least bit tipsy. Luke turned his head and nodded to his friends while he grabbed my hand and dragged me to god knows where. I hadn't even had time to say goodbye to James.

He smirked as we both got in the car and he drove off, once again leaving me scared for life. Once we finally arrived, I was expecting something less cliche. He had taken me to a bar in the middle of no where with motorcycles parked outside and what looked like gang members with toothpicks in between their lips.

Luke got out of the car and slammed his door shut, I did the same. He waited for me before he began to walk off and waved to one of the bikers who, honestly scared the shit out of me, The biker that began walking towards us had tattoo's all down his arms and a teardrop on his eye, I mentally laughed, knowing how stupid it looked yet scared because I wasn't sure if it really meant that he had killed someone. He had a long beard, and his hair was in a pony tail. I think I had already mentally mentioned this but, this was beyond cliche.

"Mr. Brooks, who might this fine lady be?" His voice was raspy and he had spit the toothpick on the ground.

"She's mine, man. Just gonna shoot a round of pool." Luke protectively put his hand on my back and my heart's beating was out of control. Did he just say I was his? Maybe I hadn't heard properly.

"Alright my boy. See you around, enjoy yourself." he said to Luke as he winked which made me turn around to keep myself from a) laughing and then b) crying.

"Sorry about that, they're so fucking weird but it's the only way I don't get killed around here." Luke whispered to my ear as he then led me to the door. I physically couldn't respond, and I felt my knees go weak.

"So what are we here for? For me to kick your ass in pool?" I told him as I leaned against the pool table while he got everything ready.

"I was hoping I'd have to lean on top of you and help you actually." He said with a smirk on his face, which instantly made my face go red.

"Well, I'm sure all the other girls you brought here needed that, but I am not like them. I know what to do."

"I guess I can say that's pretty impressive, a good girl knows how to play pool? We'll see." he said as he handed me the cue and leaned against the wall as he watched me walk over to hit first. What he didn't know was that my grandfather loved to play pool, he made me play almost everyday when I went to visit them during the summer, making me a good player.

I hit and three solid balls fell in the pockets. I smirked as I looked up and saw that Luke's eyes were wide open and he was scratching his chin.

"Not bad." he said as I walked to the other side of the table, aiming only to pocket another ball. I could tell Luke was impressed, totally not expecting this. Once I finally missed, there were only two solids left and all of the striped balls for Luke.

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