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Months passed by and I'm currently dating Nick. You'd think he treat me better than Luke but he's almost worse. I'm not even close to being happy. I put up this front like a wall and don't let anyone through. Katie and Mallory know that something's wrong, they just don't know that I'm aching. Here I am, still upset and torn apart because of a complete asshole that I can't seem to get over no matter how many times I try and convince myself that I am. Typical. 

Back on to Nick, he isn't a bad guy he's just controlling and can be a jerk from time to time. He doesn't go off with other girls like Luke did in our fake relationship but Nick can get scary, and sometimes I might even believe he would try and hurt me. The reason I keep this to myself is not wanting to start problems with anyone. The less I say, the better things will be.

"Morning babe." Nick said while softly kissing my lips and greeting my friends.

"Morning." I faked a smile and opened my locker. Smiling had been a lot harder these past few days but I've managed through. Lately, I don't exactly know what's wrong with me.

"You okay? You're looking a little sick." Nick rubbed my back and I shrugged.

"Must be the cold, heard it's going around school. I've got to go and talk to my first period teacher about something. I'll see you at lunch?" He nodded and kissed my forehead.

The bell still hadn't rung for first period class and I was now left roaming the halls, avoiding my friends and avoiding my boyfriend. 

"Shit." I said while crashing into someone, dropping my books.

"It's fi-" Luke's eyes opened when he saw that it was me. "Madison. Hi"

"Luke." I greeted while bending down to pick up my books.

"How are you?" He asked while walking alongside me to wherever it was that I was going.

"I'm really good Luke. I'm really happy." 

"I'm glad you are. You never seemed to be this way when I was in your life." Little did he know that when he was in my life, before the whole controlling pretend boyfriend problem, I was happy. 

"Yeah well that's why things happen, right?"

"Yeah. I know this may be weird but I've been meaning to give you this. I actually got it for you a little before Christmas and I bring it with me everywhere but it's for you." Luke took out a little black box and handed it over. "Just a little gift. I'll see you around Madison."

I opened the box and inside was a necklace. It was simple yet beautiful. It had a think silve chain and a little moon at the end of it. Before I could look up and thank Luke, he was gone. I put the necklace back in the box and stuffed it in my purse. 

He always had a way of torchering me somehow, didn't he?

It was finally lunch time and I was at the lunch table waiting for Mallory and Katie to arrive. I never knew if Nick would sit with me, he always switched off with me and his other friends.

While I was waiting I took the little black box and took the chain out. I spent all day thinking about this, this stupid necklace Luke gave me to toy with me. I rolled my eyes at my stupdity and couldn't resist putting the necklace on.

"Hey are you alright?" It seemed like everyone had been asking me that recently. 

"I'm not really sure Katie." 

"What's bothering you?" She asked with a serious expression on her face.

"I think it's just a cold, I think I'm going to go home." I said, gathering my books and flashing her a quick forced smile before walking out of the cafeteria. 

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