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The next morning I woke up feeling a lot worse than I had expected. I was still in my dress and I had a massive headache. I got up and took a long refreshing shower, hoping to get this nasty feel off of me.

Once I was dressed I began to feel nauseous and went back to bed, forcing myself to ignore the thought of my stomach twisting and turning and my head pounding. I went to quickly check my phone to find many missed calls and texts from everyone. 

Where are you?

Are you okay?

Call me!!!!!


I texted everyone back letting them know I was fine, although I'm sure Luke had probably informed them of our little discussion and my walking away. Thinking back on last night, I vaguely remembered what had happened. I remember Nick offering me a drink, then leading me off somewhere private, I remember his rough lips on mine and then Luke fighting him off. I hadn't remembered all exactly what happened, but bits and pieces and last of all I remember arguing with Luke about him not allowing me to kiss anyone.

My phone rang, interrupting my thoughts and I picked up, not even reading the caller ID.

"B, you alright?" He sounded frantic, almost worried.

"Yeah I'm fine, I'm at home." 

"God B, you had us all worried sick, why didn't you answer your phone at all?" I honestly couldn't remember. Maybe it had died, maybe I just didn't want too.

"I don't know, I'm sorry Luke." 

"I'm glad you're okay. I'm coming over in 5." And with that he hung up on me. I had a weird feeling in my stomach, almost like butterflies.

I guess I had been caught up in my thoughs because before I knew it, the doorbell had rung. I was surprised not to see my parents home, considering at least mom got Sunday off of work.

When I opened the door Luke stood there which made me compltely forget about how much of a dick he was last night. He was wearing the same things as yesterday only his shirt was wrinkled, and his hair was messy. A bit of scruff had been growing on his face, making him look older, sharpening his features. Under his eyes, dark circles began to take over and with that Luke only smirked.

"No need to stare, I know I look good as always."

"I'm staring at how you're wearing the same clothes from yesterday."

"Well, I still obviously pull it off, I mean I got your attention didn't I." I actually smiled at his joke and opened the door wider, inviting him in. I felt my stomach turn again and let out a baby burp, I still hadn't felt well from last night.

"So did you need anything?" I decided to continue speaking to him in a neutral tone, not raising my voice because I liked being 'okay' or 'friendly' with Luke.

"Well, knowing you I had figured last night was the first time you've gotten remotely close to drunk. I'm here to take care of you, so show me to your medicine cabinet and be gone." I shook my head and led him to the kitchen, opening the cabinet with all of my pills and almost ran upstairs, heading straight for the bathroom as I felt something come up.

Minutes later I was back in bed and Luke walked in holding a bottled water with pills and my laptop that was downstairs. 

"Here you go." I was in bed and he kindly brought it over and even opened my water bottle for me.

"Thank you Luke." He shrugged and sat by me on the bed, looking over my shoulder to see what I was doing on my laptop. His phone vibrated and I don't think he noticed it. I looked down and it was from a random number.

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