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When Jai got to the house he had my clothes in a few plastic bags. An actual grocery store plastic bag as if that's were my clothes belonged!

"Thank's Jai." I went to take the bags from him but instead he pulled me in for a hug.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. Mal, Katie and I feel awful that we hadn't noticed what was going on."

"Don't worry, Nick's always been kind of bossy but I hadn't expected him to go all crazy on us. Truthfully I'm just glad what happened today happened so I can finally be free of him. Four awful months, can you believe it?"

"What I can't believe is that Luke managed not to sleep with any girls for 4 months. Ever since you fake broke up with him he's been trying to prove a point. I know you just got out of a relationship, but talk to him about it?" Jai was always looking out for Luke, it was sweet but this conversation was not going in the direction I hoped for.

"Give me some time and I'll try."

"Love you Mads." 

"Love you Jai." He hugged me once more and once I finally had the bags in my hand I neatly lined them up against the couch. I had assumed that's where I would be staying. 

"What are you doing?" Luke came in the living room and picked up the bags that I neatly set up.

"Just putting my stuff down why?"

"Well you're not staying in the living room if that's what you thought."

"I know you are trying to help me out by allowing me to stay, but staying is enough. You don't need to move anyone out of their bed for me to get comfortable, I'll be fine on the couch plus it's only a couple days, right?" I tried to convince him to allow me to sleep on the couch. The fact that they had so gracefully allowed me to stay is way way more than I expected.

"Beau has a double bed, one of us could sleep in his bed with him and you could take one of our bunks."

"Talk to Beau about it before, I don't want him to get angry."

"Mads, you don't need to worry. You were practically killed by this crazy idiot and here you are worrying about our sleeping arrangements! You're staying in Jai's bunk and that's it." Once Luke and I bickered a few more times about the sleeping arrangements, I finally gave in and hoped Beau wouldn't be too mad. 

When I heard the door open, I assumed it was Gina. Beau was already in bed and Jai was in the kitchen probably getting something to snack on. Luke and I were in his bunk while I fixed my clothes up neatly.

"Could you please do me a favor and not mention what happened with Nick to Gina?" I didn't want Gina to think any less of me by allowing myself to be with someone like Nick. 

"No problem." I got my pajama's, which were really only soffee shorts and a tank top. Once I entered the bathroom and did the usual which was brush my teeth and was my face I returned to the room. Luke was only in boxers and was pacing around the room in search of something.

"What are you looking for?"

"My charger." He said and I laughed at how unorganized his room was. 

"You mean the one that's plugged into the wall right there?" Luke's gaze followed the tip of my finger to where I was pointing and he sighed with relief.

"Thank god I found my baby." I laughed and climbed into bed. He sat next to me and I leaned against the wall holding a pillow. "Madison, can I ask you something?"

"Depends." I watched as his eyebrows furrowed and he had a serious expression on his face.

"Did you really like Nick?" I shrugged, not really wanting to talk about this but I could tell it was bothering him.

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