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The past few days went by painfully slow. We were finally back home and Cici had decided in transfering to our school. It was bad enough to have been around her on vacation, but seeing her hanging off of Luke's arms and watching her kiss him throughout the day makes me sick. I'm not really sure why I fell for him, and why I still care about the stupid boy.

"You alright?" Katie asked. Her and James were still going strong, you could tell by how they looked at eachother that they were in love. That they would do anything for each other.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." The past few days have actually been the worst. Luke and I have gone from speaking almost every day to not even acknowledging each other in the halls. I felt as if he sucked the life out of me. Everything I once felt is gone, I feel completely numb, except for the hole in my stomach every time I see Luke and Cici together.

It's funny really, he told me he doesn't date yet here he is with Cici acting like they're a couple.

"Are you sure? Maybe you should take a break and just go home." Mallory suggested. I shook my head to that offer.

"I've already gone home twice this week. I'm fine. I can't let my feelings overtake me anymore."

"It's okay to be upset though. Luke is an ass, just let him go Mads." 

"I'm trying Katie, I am." I sighed as my gaze trailed over to them. Cici was feeding Luke some of her damn food and he nodded in agreement to something she had said. I think she realized I was staring at her because she turned to look at me and just smirked.

Thank goodness she's a few feet away from me otherwise I would've gone ape shit on her little ass.

"I'm just going to go outside for a bit. Clear my mind and I think I'll be good." I announced to our table before grabbing all my things and heading outside. It wasn't extremely hot like it had been for the past few days at the beach and all. It was a bit windy which caused goosebumps to rise but other than that it was refreshing.

I don't understand what Luke sees in Cici. I mean the guy doesn't even date. I honestly am trying to convince myself he's with her because she always puts out but since they have dated before maybe he really likes her. Maybe I should stop thinking about him all the damn time.

My thoughts were interupted by someone clearing their throat. When I turned around to see who it was it was Luke.

"Hi." I greeted before I returned my gaze to some tree I had been staring at.

"How are you?" I was seated on a little wooden bench that they had put in the front of the school which I'm assuming is for the students to sit and wait for their parents to get them.

"I'm okay." I lied. "What about you? You and Cici look quite happy." I stated.

"Yeah I guess you could say that." He mumbled. "Tell me really, how are you?" He asked again.

"Honestly these past few days haven't been the best no thanks to some guy I kind of liked, but I'll get over him just like he did with me." I gave him a quick smile before getting up to leave.

"Fuck, Mads wait." He got up and followed me. "I'm sorry, okay? I did really like you, hell I do. I'm just not ready to be in a relationship. It's been a while since I've last been in one and I don't want to hurt you."

"So that's why you're parading Cici around? You guys act like you're a couple." 

"Truth is, she won't leave me alone. Look I understand you want me to be commited but I need some time. I still want to hang out with you and hold your hand and take it slow." He told me before scratching his head. I blushed at his words yet I didn't fully believe them.


"How about this." He began to say before he took a breath in and let a shaky breath out. "We take it slow. We're not a couple yet but we aren't not together. You get me so far?" I nodded and he continued. "We go on dates, we hold hands, we hug and we can pretend we've never kissed so we can have our first kiss again. It's like a complete do-over with us. I don't hang around slutty girls and you don't let boys hit on you." 

I tried to hide a smile from him. Okay, even though he's a complete ass I loved his idea. I craved his touch again even if it was just our hands that touched or our knees when we sat down.

"Alright. Only on one condition." I told him.

"Anything." He grinned.

"You get rid of Cici."

"We've got a deal, sweet-cheeks."

I promised I'd update sometime soon and even though this is a beyond short update, it's still got a lot of stuff going on. So looks like Cici's finally out of the picture... or is she?

Well you know what to do! Comment/Vote/Fan!!! 

60 reads for the next update and 5 votes! Hope everyone enjoyed their spring break if they were on it or enjoy it if they're about to start it whaaaatever!!!


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