c h a p t e r 2 8

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In this moment I swear to you that anyone around me could hear my heart pounding against my chest. Luckily I was alone in my room getting ready for the party tonight. I was beyond nervous that not even words described how I currently feel.

I wasn't exactly sure what to put on as I rummaged through the bags with the new clothes I had bought with Jai. I do wish I could ask Mal to come and help me but I know she's probably busy getting ready already plus this whole entire thing was supposed to blow everyone's mind away.

I settled with a thin fabriced crop top that was basic, no words on them or nothing just a normal dull pink shade with my lace shorts that were shorter than anything I would normally wear. The skin that exposed shined because of the lotion that I had put on earlier and I decided in adding some glitter to my body to give myself more of a shine. Not the kind of shine like in twilight when Edward reveals his skin to Bella and he nearly shines her blind but enough to have all eyes one me.

I kept it simple with my makeup as usual, adding just a pinch of glitter to my eyes to match my exposed stomach skin and a thin layer of mascara. The glitter was gold which went well with my new hair.

I felt as if I was about to puke and that's me without having an alcohol beverages, I don't think I want to even know how I'd be if I were to drink to that point. I'd probably be puking my guts out everywhere. 

I began to feel even more sick and had to take a seat. I wasn't sure why I was so nervous. Perhaps it was the fact that I was hosting this party.

Just got to the boy's house. Wheere r u? Daniel had texted me.

On my way right now! Oh god this is it!!

By the time I had left the house there were already cars parked up to my house. And by the time I had finally arrived at their house, the party had already started. The good thing about these types of parties is that you don't really need to buy anything but food and beverages everything else is good. Although you do need a great DJ.

"Damn who knew that lame Madison had it in her. Maybe she isn't lame after all." Some guy who I hadn't ever seen before said. He had a beer in one hand and was laughing with his other friends as well. He looked over and winked at me.

"And who are you?" He asked in a flirty tone. Does he really not recognize me? I mean he must know who I was to have been talking about me!

"Excuse me." I pushed past him and finally went inside. 

"Mads? Holy shit you look hot as hell !" Mal said to me as she ran over hugging me. 

"Thank you thank you. Also thank your lovely boytoy." She raised her eyebrow.

"Jai did this?"

"He helped yes." I told her as we walked over to the drinks. I grabbed a beer and Mal had opened it for me. 

"You look different but it's good. Why the sudden change?" She asked as I took a sip of my beer and made a face in disgust. 

"Just felt like I needed it is all." 

"Alright well lets get this party started then!" She yelled as she began to pour some shots. 

"Madison?" Luke's familiar soft voice asked as I turned around. He looked sexy as always. "You look...Wow" was all he was able to get out.

"Thank you Luke." I got up and hugged him. "You look wow too." I whispered in his ear before returning my attention to Mal and her shots.

"Alright cheers to this awesome party, Mads new look and almost fucking graduating!" Mal yelled and we all drank up.

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