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My days have seemed to become better and my mood has changed. I'm no longer bitter and annoyed at every little thing. I secretly think it has to do with starting over with Luke, but right now doesn't seem like the right time to admit that to myself.

"Okay so I haven't thrown a party in a while so it'll happen this Friday." Daniel stated. I hadn't seen the boys much since Luke and I weren't on speaking terms but things were finally back to normal. Kind of. Well, we're getting there.

"Oh gosh, that's just what we need" I said sarcastically as I watched his eyes scan his books in his locker. I knew he was trying to figure out what he needed for his next class but it wasn't like he was going to pay attention enough that he'd actually use them.

"Well I need to start planning!"

"Aren't parties just announced the day before of? I didn't know that you actually had to plan things through." I asked laughing. He rolled his eyes in a girlish way before shutting his locker.

"You obviously have never thrown a party before."

"Excuse me, I've thrown many slumber parties in my younger years."

"Inviting Katie and Mallory to sleepover with some pizza and popcorn is not a party. Wait...I've got an idea!!" He screamed and jumped up and down like a little girl. I swear he was still 12. 

"I'm not sure if I want to hear this." I mumbled under my breath while we finally arrived to our class. 

"You and me. We're going to throw a party. We're going to find a place, maybe one of our houses and invite people and get the drinks and snacks and we're going to get you clothes. Man I do sound like a chick right now."

"This is probably a conversation you should be having with Mal." 

"You've got to do this. It isn't like you have nothing to lose, plus it's exactly your last year. Knowing you, you've got college figured out so it won't even effect you. Plus it's one party."

"Fine fine. I'm in. But the whole shopping part, leave that to Mal, she's an expert. She can help us both find clothes."

"Deal. Party this Friday, start spreading the word." 

At this point everyone was talking about our party. I can't believe I'm going to be the one hosting a party. I'm never invited to them yet here I am throwing one with Daniel, the clown of the school.

"What's this of a party I hear?" Katie asked as she joined me at our lunch table.

"I don't know how but I was convinced by Daniel to co-host a party with him." I laughed at my choice of words. (I'm not really that funny.)

"Since when does little miss goody-two shoes host parties?" Katie asked. I know that she hadn't meant that in a mean way but it hurt. I was tired of people always assuming that I was good. I mean, don't get me wrong I am but sometimes it's just pathetic. 

"Since about two periods ago. It's a party that will not be forgotten." I stated.

"Alright bad-ass keep it down." 

Daniel was right. It was my last year here, I had to do something. Never have I drank to the point of totally shit-faced drunk or done drugs or met up with boys that I knew my mom wouldn't approve of. I was always good, always obeying the rules and following adults instructions.

I mean my entire life was just so predictable. Go to a small college near home where I'll study to become a doctor, marry some guy I'm supposed to be in love with, have kids and then become a stay at home mom by that point.

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